Grow your downloads

3 Steps To Grow Your Audience – PTC 395

There are two sides of the equation when you are trying to grow your audience. These are the two critical ingredients for growth. To grow your audience, you need to attract new listeners and keep your current listener coming back week after week.

We discussed a lot of the data and what growing means back in Episode 393 – Grow Your Audience In 30 Days.

To attract new listeners and keep them coming back, follow a three-step process. Those steps include promotions, programming and personality. You will discover how to accomplish each of these steps on the episode today.


This is a process I have refined over three decades.

While getting my degree in Architecture, I fell into radio by accident.

Over 30 years, I built number one radio stations and coached successful radio talent to attract huge audiences. We then leveraged that attention to promote products and services for our clients.

In 2009, I fell in love with podcasts. It was the Wild West. Content creators could talk about anything they chose on shows they built themselves. It was how radio was in the past.

Unfortunately, podcasters were making the same mistakes radio broadcasters made in the early days. I thought if these hosts only knew a few of the strategies we used in radio, their shows could be so much more effective.

Today, I help podcasters create those powerful relationships with their audiences.

Are you leveraging your content to its full extent? Why are you building your audience?


There are two reasons we are building an audience. The first reason is external. Reason number two is internal.

First, we are building an audience to create powerful, profitable relationships and grow our business.

Only 3% of your target market is buying today.

7% could be convinced they need your solution today. They might be saying, “Now that you mention it, I do need that solution.”

That leaves 90% of the market not ready to buy today. We are working to create relationships with this segment of the audience, so when they are ready to buy they think of us. It is all about building rapport with your ideal clients.

The remaining 90% of the market is divided into thirds.

30% of the market doesn’t need your solution today. They might need a car, but not until their current lease is over. Your ideal client might not begin their job search for another year when their contract is close to expiring.

Another 30% don’t believe they need your solution based on the information they have. As an example, they may not think they need a new mattress because they believe their mattress is just fine. They don’t have the right info and will need a little educating.

The final 30% think they will never be interested. These people may be loyal to another brand. Perhaps they work for Ford and you are selling Toyotas.

Build realtionships to create top-of-mind awareness with your market. When it comes time to buy, you want to be the first brand they think of.


The other reason we create is internal. It is also unique to each of us.

I had a client once tell me, “If we are able to generate leads, that is awesome. If we are helping change people’s lives, and they are reaching out to us, that would be a success. Becoming a resource is the goal.”

What does success look like to you?

There are a variety of reasons.

Maybe you want to spread your message, build your authority or grow your business.

Your “why” could be to become a thought-leader, grow your reputation, or make more money.

Sometimes a powerful “why” is to have more impact and leave a legacy.

Maybe your “why” is a combination of these. What does success look like to you?

You see, audience makes the money possible. Money makes the impact possible.

What would that do to your business and impact?

That’s what’s possible, and it’s powerful.


There are three challenges podcasters face when they are growing their audience. They are unsure how to actually attract an audience. These podcasters have no structure and strategy. And, they are not sure where to start.

The first challenge is how to actually attract an audience.

To attract your ideal clients, you need to understand what is preventing you from growing. There are 3 reasons audience don’t grow.

The first reason is lack of new fans. Podcasters aren’t finding new listeners and inviting them into their world.

“If you build it they will come” is a myth. You need to actively attract your listeners.

The second reason audiences don’t grow is because the podcaster isn’t unique.

You can’t simply share information. That can easily be copied. You need to share your story and style. That is the only thing others can’t copy.

The final reason audiences don’t grow is because the content is not engaging. In order to keep your current listeners, you need to keep them engaged.

Like I said at the beginning, you need to attract new listeners while keeping your current listeners. Otherwise it is like pouring water into a bucket with holes in the bottom. The more you put in, the more that leaks out.


The second challenge is a lack of structure and strategy.

Podcasters have told me, “I need to figure out the marketing stuff. How do I find constructive, intentional ways to get the word out?”

When talking about their struggle, one podcaster said, “Offer things without making it sound like an ad. It is hard to make yourself likable while selling something.”

They say, “How does the podcast fit into the whole marketing plan?”

That structure is my Audience Explosion Blueprint. It is the three steps we talked about earlier.

Audience Explosion Blueprint is made up of three Ps. The three Ps are Promotion, Programming and Personality.


Promotion brings new listeners into your world. Get in front of new listeners and get them on your email list.

There are 5 ways to grow your audience in 30 days.

First, get new listeners. Define your ideal client, and figure out where they are.

Next, find partners who have those listeners in their audience. Partner with these influencers to get in front of their audiences.

While your are attracting new listeners with the first two steps, keep your current listeners returning.

The third way to grow your audience is to remind your current listeners to return. Reach out on social media and your other channels when new episodes are available.

Next, send email to your current list each time new episodes are published.

Finally, keep them coming back by creatively teasing your content. Don’t simply promote the episode next week. Create intrique and anticipation.


The second step to getting new listeners is to find partners to help you.

Who makes great partners?

Great partners are people who already have the attention of your ideal client. These partners also complement what you do.

Make connections to get in front of their audiences.

When you do, make the most of it by getting those people on your email list. This will allow you to connect with those potential listeners and clients whenever you need to.

Rocky Lalvani of Profit Answer Man went through my Audience Explosion Blueprint course and doubled his audience in six weeks following this strategy.

Follow the process. It works.


The second piece of the Audience Explosion Blueprint is programming. This is your content. Your content gets people to engage with you.

First we attract your ideal client. They we engage.

Your content let’s people decide if your niche is for them.

Gobinder Gill of Diversity Corner helps human resources departments create workplaces with more diversity, equity and inclusion.

He uses his content to show his ideal clients the value of DEI. Then, he invites those HR execs to have a conversation with him.

Gobinder’s content creates the need and engagement.


The third and final piece of the Audience Explosion Blueprint is personality.

Personality is why people like you. This is how you create relationships.

When you let your personality shine, people decide if they like you. Friendships are built through the stories that you tell infused by your personality.

When you build friendships, you keep people coming back episode after episode.

Your personality can’t be copied.

Just remember to be yourself.

Sadie and Sausha of Meathead Test Kitchen are all about health and fitness on their podcast. They talk about eating healthy and working out.

In the first five seconds, you know exactly what you are going to get on this podcast. Their personality shines from the start. You know whether or not this show is for you. People fall in love with this show, because of their personalities.


The final challenge podcasters face when they are trying to grow their audience is where to start.

If you would like to build this strategy for your show, let’s talk. I have a few options for you. Apply for your strategy session at

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