Promotional Partners

How To Get Promotional Partners – PTC 391

Imagine how your podcast and business could grow if you could find 40 partners who would be willing to promote you to their fans. What would that do to your show? How would your client list grow? What would that do to your life.

I’ll tell you this … it changed my life.

That little voice in your head is probably saying, “Who would want to promote me? I only have 4 people in my audience.”

Well, there are five different types of partners that would be interested in promoting you. Before I give you the five, let me tell you what powerful partnerships have done for me.


It was July 2020. I was invited to attend a joint venture event called Collaborate.

When I hear “networking event”, I get a little pit in my stomach. Meeting new people is not something I do in my spare time.

Networking events are usually full of uncomfortable conversations of, “Hi, what do you do?” “Wanna dance” at a high school dance is less awkward.

But, my friend told me this one was different. I should just give it a chance.

So, I signed up and showed up to stretch myself a bit.

Iman Aghay was the host of the event. To start, he explained what was going to happen and what we would get by the end of the event.

Then, he taught us all exactly how to introduce ourselves during the networking circles. He showed us how to describe what do, what we need, and who would make a good partner for us.

I couldn’t believe it was going to be that easy. Then, I got into the circles, which are small groups of six or eight people.


During the networking circles, your pitch is 2 minutes. No longer. That reduces a bit of the pressure. We can’t talk too much. You also refine the pitch in each circle. 

Everybody in the circle is on the same page with regard to who talks, what they talk about and how long. There is no pressure. You don’t need to awkwardly walk up to anyone to strike up a conversation. It is all right there is a small Zoom meeting with clear instructions.

During the event, you will get feedback and hone your pitches in front of small groups and live coaches. This helps you ensure your message is on target.

You will also learn valuable knowledge and proven practical tools from guest speakers during the event. But, this is just a small part of the 3 days.

You spend most of the time networking with others in a way that is step-by-step for you. The event also include one-on-one coaching to help you find more collaborating partners to promote your podcast, products & programs. You get 2 coaching sessions to ensure your partner pitch is fine-tuned.

Collaborate isn’t just a networking event. It teaches you how to find joint venture partners the right way. It is so easy.

At that first Collaborate, I met about 120 people. Of those, 40 were potential partners who fit what I do. 40 partners who are interested in collaborating.

After the event, I had follow-up calls with each of the 40. Iman taught us exactly how to do that as well. It was awesome.

At the next Collaborate, I was much more particular with whom I wanted to partner. I want my partners to be a perfect fit for me. I still found 20 great partners.


How powerful would 40 great partners be for you?

With the help of those partners, I’ve been able grow my email list from 500 to nearly 4,500. My podcast downloads have doubled. I’ve made affiliate commissions and had partners promote my courses and coaching.

On top of that, I’ve met some amazing entrepreneurs traveling the same journey I’m on. It has enriched my life in more ways than I can count.

Whether you are looking to grow your audience or build a business around your podcast, there are few things as powerful as podcast partners.

Partners create a win-win situation where both sides benefit. You simply need to walk into the relationship seeking to help the other side win. Find the right people, and you will be reaching your goals faster than ever.


I’m excited to once again be part of this legendary, virtual, live event called COLLABORATE. It is happening once again June 24th to the 26th!

Get the full details and register at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/collaborate.

You’re going to love this event. It is a cutting-edge, results-oriented experience. It was created by the amazing team at JV Insider Circle (JVIC), who also brought you the annual JV Experience (JVX) Summit. That is the world’s #1 joint venture summit.

In order to design the ultimate event, the JVIC team analyzed mountains of feedback and tons of successful collaborative partnerships generated among attendees from their many past events, both live and virtual.

The result of that research is COLLABORATE. It is an event with everything the revered JVX Summit has to offer, but supercharged and virtual!

See full event details, read the many testimonials and register at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/collaborate.


Collaborate happens June 24th to the 26th from the comfort of your home office.

During this 3-day live online event you will connect with hundreds of top coaches, entrepreneurs, authors, speakers, program leaders & owners of podcasts, radio shows, and other live or virtual events, who are all interested in promoting your podcast, products & programs.

This is where you find real podcast partners. Just think what could happen if you had 20 or 40 partners promoting your show and business to their followers.

You will have the opportunity to join the many Networking Circles and meet industry leaders & influencers from around the world.


You get the VIP ticket for $47. Where else can you get this kind of powerful event where you can meet so many potential partners? Don’t miss it.

Get registered at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/Collaborate.

I’ll give three bonuses for registering through my link.

First, I will give you my course “How to Crush Your Next Podcast Interview Like a Radio Pro” to help you give and conduct stronger interviews that are more engaging. It sells for $97.

Next, I will promote your podcast on my show and to to my email list of nearly 4,500 to help you grow. That is marketing you can’t buy. Let’s say you could buy marketing to 4,500 podcast listeners at 10 cents a person. $450.

Finally, I will give you a coaching call with me to help you maximize your promotional partnerships. That is a $250 value.

Total bonus value is about $700. Your VIP ticket is only $47. Just send me your registration confirmation and show up.

This is a no-brainer. We’ll make big things happen.

Get registered at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/Collaborate.


So, who would possibly want to promote you? Who would ever want you promoting them with your small audience?

I want you to realize “small” is relative. You may think your audience isn’t big enough or your email list doesn’t have enough names.

Dave Jackson at the School of Podcasting often talks about being on stage. Imagine if you had a chance to get on stage in front of 100 people to talk about what you love.

Would you take that opportunity?

What if you had a chance to speak to 10 people? Would your answer change if you knew those 10 people were all part of a high-level mastermind who held annual events for 1,000 people. These are people who have email lists of 50,000 and millions of views on YouTube.

Would you talk to those 10 people?

There are many reasons beyond a large audience that entice people to work with you.


The first group of promoters are your fans and friends.

These people love you and want to support you. They are usually happy to promote you to their connections simply, because they want to help.


The next group of promoters are content motivated. These are people who love your content.

Have you ever recommended a restaurant, movie, podcasts, or book to someone? You are content motivated. You love the content and want to share it.


There are a group of people who will promote you because they want you to promote them back. These people are favor motivated.


The next group of promoters are money motivated. They want to promote you because they can make money with the affiliate fee.

If they promote your course through an affiliate link and make a commission, they are more apt to promote you even more to make more money.


Finally, there are credibility motivated partners.

These are people who want to benefit by association with you. Maybe they are trying to break into your niche. The may want to reach your audience and appear they are close to you.


You will be able to each of those types of promotional partners at Collaborate. As you get into the networking circles, it will become clear what each partner seeks because they actually tell you. It couldn’t be easier.

So, how can you promote each other?

There are various ways partners promote each other.

You could simply send an email to your list to create awareness.

Partners could promote each others courses or programs.

One benefit of partnerships many miss is a simple introduction. I had a collaboration call Wednesday with a guy who introduced me to 4 potential partners who are talking to my ideal clients. Be a connector.

Partners can put each other on their stages. This could include a podcast, YouTube channel, Facebook live, summits, conferences, masterminds or any other gathering.

A partner could incorporate your offer into their package as a bonus or additional training. This could lead people to your full program.

If we consider your podcast specifically for partners to promote, there are many ways to partner. These include interview swaps, promo swaps, newsletter swaps, Facebook Live swaps and social shares.

There are so many ways to create a joint venture partnership. We don’t possibly have enough time to cover them all here.


You can learn all about partnerships and find amazing partners at Collaborate.

I’m giving you plenty of notice to block it out on your calendar. This powerful event can do amazing things for the second half of the year and take you to amazing heights.

What do you want to accomplish in the last 6 months of this year? How would partners helping you promote that add gasoline to the fire? Just how big can you make it if you have 20 people helping you promote it?

Grab the VIP ticket to Collaborate for only $47. Fill your calendar with powerful conversations with 20 or 40 potential partners. Don’t miss this opportunity.

Get registered at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/Collaborate.


Remember, I’ll give three bonuses for registering through my link.

First, I will give you my course “How to Crush Your Next Podcast Interview Like a Radio Pro” to help you give and conduct stronger interviews that are more engaging. It sells for $97.

Next, I will promote your podcast on my show and to my email list of nearly 4,500 to help you grow. That is marketing you can’t buy. Let’s say you could buy marketing to 4,500 podcast listeners at 10 cents a person. $450.

Finally, I will give you a coaching call with me to help you maximize your promotional partnerships. That is a $250 value.

Total bonus value is over $700. Your VIP ticket is only $47. Just send me your registration confirmation and show up.

This is a no-brainer. Let’s make the second half of this year amazing for you.

Get registered at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/Collaborate.

I can’t wait to see you there.

If you don’t have a mentor who can take your hand and walk you every step of the way, go to www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/apply, click the button and apply to have a chat with me. We will develop your plan and see how I can help and support you to achieve your podcast goals.