Grow Your Audience

12 Ways To Grow Your Audience – PTC 399

There are many ways to increase your downloads. On this episode, you will discover 12 ways to grow your audience.

Grab a pen and paper to take some notes. You don’t need to use all of these. But you will need to select a few and take action.


It will be easy for you to take this list of 12 ideas and think you are set and ready to grow. That would be a huge mistake for you.

If you truly want to grow your audience, it will take three specific steps.

First, find the ideas that appeal to you. These should be ideas that you enjoy and can execute consistently,

Next, put the ideas into a strategy that will methodically grow your audience. Be clear on the steps you need to take.

Finally, take action. Information alone will not create the transformation. Implementation is the only thing that will make a difference and grow your audience.

Making a list of 12 ideas will not move the needle. You must take action.


There are times when we are too close to the situation to see the solution. As the saying goes, “You can’t see the forest for the trees.” You are too close to the details to see the whole.

This is the purpose of my new Strategy Transformation Call. I want to help you get clear on your goals and how to achieve them.

If your strategy isn’t working, or worse yet you have no strategy, this one hour of coaching is for you.

You and I will get on a one-hour call to discuss where you are now. Then, we will clearly define your goals. Finally, we will develop a plan to reach those goals and see if I have any resources that will help you get there.

An hour of my coaching is typically $250. These Strategy Transformation Calls are only $97. However, there are limited spots. I can’t fill up my calendar. I need to leave room for my full-time clients.


This also isn’t a high pressure sales call. We will take the time to get to know each other and build your plan to win. I’ll show you how to get there.

If at the end of the call we both feel I can help you in some way, we can discuss it. But it needs to be right for both of us.

Best of all, you’ll be clear on how to reach your goals. Isn’t that worth investing an hour of your time?

You can keep wandering toward success. Or, you can build a map and follow it.

Stop wasting your time throwing things against the wall to see what sticks. Let me show you what has worked for many of my clients over the years.

Get your Strategy Transformation Call at

The sooner you grab your call, the more options you’ll have with regard to call times. See which calendar options are open for you. Grab your Strategy Transformation Call at Let me help you reach your goals.


Here are 12 different ways to grow your audience. Find the ideas you enjoy most and can do consistently.

As you implement these strategies, be consistent. Without consistent action, you will not see real impact.

Give each idea at least 30 days of implementation. Spend 15 minutes a day working on the strategy.

You don’t lose weight in 2 days. It is the same with your growth. You won’t see real growth in your audience size in a few days. It takes consistent action.

This consistent action is exactly why I encourage you to grab that Strategy Transformation Call. We can build a strategy that you can implement in 15 minutes a day to see real results.

[LISTEN: 3 Steps To Grow Your Audience – Episode 395]

[LISTEN: Grow Your Audience In 30 Days – Episode 393]


Be on other podcasts. Podcast listeners listen to podcasts.

I know it sounds obvious. But, few people actually have a system to land interviews on other podcasts.

When you find podcasts that speak to your ideal client, you find pools of prospects. Work to get in front of them and invite those listeners into your world.


Get people on your email list.

When being interviewed on other shows and stages, many podcasters ask people to listen to the podcast.

If someone comes to your show and doesn’t subscribe, they are gone forever.

When you get them on your email list, you can invite them to your show again and again. Invite them to subscribe to your show.

Be sure to give them the benefit of listening.


Get your current listeners to come back next week. There are two sides to the equation of building your audience. First, attract new listeners. Then, get your current listeners to come back every week.

This builds the foundation for your show. If you don’t bring them back, you are putting water in a bucket with holes in the bottom. It never fills.

Be sure to tease them with something good so they return. Don’t simply promote. Create anticipation.


Appear on Summits. Summits are like online conferences. They typically involve multiple experts presenting to an audience around a theme.

Demonstrate your expertise on the summit. Then, get those people on your email list. Again invite your list to subscribe to your show.


Participate in giveaways. Giveaways involve a collection of experts each contibuting a valuable gift or lead magnet.

Each expert shares the giveaway opportunity with their list. People opt into the giveaway to see the gifts. Then, they opt in for the gifts they want.

In the giveaway, make your gift something that relates to the content of your show. In your follow up email sequence, invite people to listen to the show.


Share your audio podcast on YouTube. YouTube is one of the largest search engines in the world.

Repurpose your content on the platform.

In the video and in the description, give people a reason to subscribe to your podcast.

Your podcast is portable. Unlike video, your audience can listen to your podcast while doing other activities, like exercising and driving.


Volunteer to present in another expert’s mastermind.

This audience will be smaller than others. However, it can be a more powerful and fruitful audience. These people are typically more serious than the tire kickers. Many have paid to be part of the group.

Invite those people to your email list. Rinse and repeat.


Create a contest. Then, share it on social media.

Put the answer to the contest inside an episode, and direct people there for details to win.

Make sure you include the legal disclaimer. No purchase necessary. Void were prohibited.

I’m not a lawyer, but I do know that you can’t create a lottery that include prize, chance and consideration. That would be illegal.


Get another podcast to share your show in their email or newsletter.

Many experts have more people on their email list than in the podcast audience. Get those experts to mention your show in their email.

Direct them to a specific episode.


Provide a segment on another podcast rather than a full interview.

Find a podcaster that complements what you do. Offer to provide a little 5-minute segment for their show each week to add value for their audience.

Mention your show, and direct listeners there for more content.


Ask your interview guests to share the episode with their lists.

Please don’t expect your guests to share. It is not their responsibility to grow your audience.

However, be sure to ask. If they share, consider it a bonus.

Make it easy for them to share your content. Do as much work for them as possible. Also, ask them to share up front rather than waiting for the episode to go live.


Answer questions from listeners on your episode. Then, email those listeners whose questions you answer, and ask them to share the episode with their friends.

Many listeners discover new podcasts through word of mouth. Get your listeners talking about you.


Are you ready to get clear on how to reach your goals? Isn’t that worth investing an hour of your time to end all the trial and error?

You can keep wandering toward success. Or, you can build a map and follow it.

Stop wasting your time throwing things against the wall to see what sticks. Let’s build your strategy around what has worked for many of my clients over the years.

Get your Strategy Transformation Call at

The sooner you grab your call, the more options you’ll have with regard to call times. See which calendar options are open for you.

Grab your Strategy Transformation Call at Let me help you reach your goals.