Delegate to prevent a waste of time

Are Podcasts A Waste Of Time – PTC 441


Are podcasts a waste of time? Many coaches ask me about the return on investment for their podcast.

Your return on investment is defined by two sides of the equation. We want to increase the return while decreasing the investment.

So, what is your goal with your podcast?

This is the best place to start. You can’t determind if your podcast is a waste of time until you determine what you want to accomplish.

This is the most common problem with coaches. They are using the wrong strategy, or worse no strategy.

You can’t hit a target you can’t see.


Many podcasts try to make money through ads and sponsorships.

If you struggle to generate revenue with your podcast, stop chasing ads.

With sponsors, you only make money once.

Most podcasts aren’t big enough to attract large sponsors with big dollars.

And, your audience doesn’t want to sit through a bunch of ads.

Instead, use your podcast to market your services, network with others, and connect with prospects.

When you use this strategy, you get paid every time something sells. You create relationships with experts who can put you infront of other potential clients, and you connect with people who can pay you.

Use your podcast to build relationships.


Research shows that only 3% of your market is buying now. They have an issue and are searching for a solution today.

Another 7% of the market could be talked into buying today. These people may not be thinking about their problem as much as the first group. But if you mention it, they remember they have the problem and need the solution.

The other 90% aren’t in the market for a variety of reason. These people may not need a solution today, but could in the future. They might not think they need it, because they need more education and information. Or, they could be loyal to another brand and need a lot of nurturing.

If you are only selling, you are missing this critical 90%.

However, you connect with this group when you focus on creating relationships.

Nurture over time.


The other side of the ROI equation is decreasing your time. There are a few ways to do this.

First, batch your work. Don’t try to outline, write, record, edit and publish your show all in one sitting. It requires different parts of the brain.

Instead, outline and write a few episodes at one time. Record a few episodes at one time.

When your brain is in the creative zone, maximize the output with multiple episodes. You will be much more productive.

Next, create a folder of recurring files. This would include your prerecorded show open, your close and any sound effects. A dedicated folder makes them easy to find.

To save time, do what only you can do. If somebody else can do it, delegate those tasks to others.

Only you can share your superpower. You are the only one that can be you.

However, others can edit and publish your show. Others can create your show notes and graphics. This is a waste of time.

Let’s say you spend 8 hours a month editing and publishing your show, creating your graphics and writing show notes. What kind of difference would it mean for your business if you spent a full workday having sales conversations and serving clients?

Spend your time doing money-making activities as much as possible. Move the other activities to other people whenever possible.


Let me help you create a strategy to attract your ideal clients while saving hours of time and energy every month. Register for my next workshop.

We will build your podcast profits strategy and save you a ton of time.

Register at

During the powerful “How To Get More Clients With Your Podcast” Workshop, you will:

  • Discover FIVE unique ways to attract your ideal clients
  • Walk away with your custom strategy to consistently gain clients with your podcast
  • Be perfectly clear on the exact next steps to take to implement your plan
  • Get individualized help to get your questions answered live and ensure you are on the right track to implement your strategy
  • Understand exactly how to get started

Though I am always creating new workshops at that link, this next event happens on Monday, June 19th 2023. You can register to join this workshop at

I can’t wait to see you there.

If you don’t have a mentor who can take your hand and walk you every step of the way, go to, click the button and apply to have a chat with me. We will develop your plan and see how I can help and support you to achieve your podcast goals.