Not All Listeners Are The Best Listeners

Attract The Best Listeners – PTC 445


Don’t just create content. Create content to attract your best listeners.

As you work to grow your coaching business, find those prospects that are perfect for your services.


I was listening to “I Will Teach You To Be Rich” by Ramit Sethi. He helps couples with their finances and helps them get out of debt.

I’ve been following Ramit since 2012. Over the years, I got a good feel for the content he shared.

So when I started listening to his podcast, I expected the show to be something like Dave Ramsey. People struggling to get out of dept and find financial peace.

However, Ramit’s guests seemed to already be rich and successful.

Here are the titles of some of his latest episodes.

Please understand I do not have any vested interest in Ramit’s content or programs. I am not an affiliate. This is not intended to promote his material. It is just a solid example of attracting your best listeners.


After listening to a few episodes. I started to see a pattern.

Ramit would interview wealthy individuals, which I though was odd. He was trying to teach wealthy people how to be rich. It didn’t make sense on the surface.

It wasn’t until this most recent episode when I realized what Ramit is trying to accomplish.

Ramit is creating content for the exact individuals he wants to attract. His goal is to help wealthy people invest their money and be more successful.

Broke people don’t have money. Wealthy people have a lot of it.

Ramit wants to attract wealthy individuals, because there is more upside for his business. They can afford what he has to offer.


It is now obvious listening to the show that Ramit is very specific on who he wants to attract.

If you create content for broke people, you’re going to attract broke people. Instead, find people with a little momentum who can pay for your high-end offer. Attract those people.

When you’re creating content, start with the end in mind. Who can you help best and most in your business and with your service?

Who needs what you offer AND can afford to pay what you’re worth?

Your ideal client should have three characteristics.

First they should want what you offer.

Second they should be able to benefit from what you offer. (It will work for them.)

Third they should be willing and able to pay for what you offer. Those that need what you offer, but can’t afford to pay, can benefit from your free stuff.

You don’t need to attract everyone. You just need to attract the right people… the best listeners.

Get clear on who you attract with my ideal target listener development Worksheet. You can download it at

Get perfectly clear on your target listeners, and focus on attracting that single individual.


Once you’ve identified your ideal client, the second step is to invite them to a sales conversation.

What can you put in their hand to show them the power of working with you? This will be your powerful lead magnet.

The ideal way to create a lead magnet used to peel off small piece of your high-end offer. Help them solve one single specific problem, and open their eyes to the need for more.


Now that you have your lead magnet to lead them to the sales conversation, what content can you create on your show to open their eyes to the need for the lead magnet?

Your content needs to show them what’s possible. Demonstrate the transformation your service provides to your best listeners.


Ramit has no preconceived notions about his ideal client.

Many people think wealthy people have no problems. Ramit knows that is not the case.

He shows wealthy people how to manage their money and keep more of it. Then he offers to enroll them in one of his coaching program.

Many financial coaches would make the mistake of thinking wealthy people don’t need coaching help. Ramit knows this is not the case, and he demonstrates that on his show.

He interviews wealthy people and talks about their struggles and problems. The wealthy listeners of the say, “That sounds just like me.” Then they reach out to Ramit for help as well.


We all think we want as many clients as we can get. The truth is we only need a handful of the right clients to create a very successful business that generates a lot of revenue.

It takes as much time and effort to close a $25,000 client as it does to close a $250 client. You still have the same phone calls, the same emails, the same headaches, the same bookkeeping, and the same back-and-forth.

If you can show your potential client the transformation that you offer, and it’s worth 10 times what you’re charging for it, you will find people to pay.

Spend your week finding two clients to pay you $25,000 each instead of trying to find 100 clients that will pay you $500 each. The outcome is $50,000 in each case. However, The two high-ticket clients are your best listeners and easier to serve.

When you create content for a highly successful individual like this, it attracts many more. The less successful people want to be successful, so they listen. And successful people want to be more successful, so they listen.

When you create content for less successful people, the less successful people will listen. They want to solve their problems. But the highly successful people have no use for it and don’t listen. You are missing your best listeners..


So how do you know what successful people need?

Have conversations with your best listeners. Do market research.

Ask them about their challenges and struggles. Discuss their pain points. Ask them about their fears, their hopes, their desires, and their dreams.

When you have 20 conversations with your best listeners, they will tell you exactly what they need, and how you can help them. They become your best clients.

You will then know what content to create, what sort of lead magnet to develop, and what sort of sales conversation to have. You can now help them achieve their dreams and goals.


When I first began coaching, I was charging $307 a month for four phone calls.

I had no idea what to charge and thought that sounded good. It was no surprise that I was closing nearly every sales call I had.

My coach told me I was crazy. She encourged me to increase that quite a bit. I only bumped it up a little.

Today, my Podcast Profits Concierge Program is my high-end program. It is designed for successful coaches who are frustrated with their ineffective podcast. They don’t have the time to spend on a podcast that isn’t attracting clients.

In this program, I help them refine their content to attract their ideal clients. Then, my team handles all of their production tasks to free up their time to land more clients.

Just think how many more clients they could land. If they are spending 2 hours a week producing their show, and they produce a weekly podcast, that is 8 hours a month. They could save nearly 100 hours a year.

How many clients could you land if you spent an extra 100 hours a year having sales conversations?

This program is $20,000 a year, because it delivers a valuable outcome.


You are probably thinking you could never sell a $20,000 program. That little voice was in my head as well.

My coach encouraged me to increase the value, demonstrate the outcome, and raise the price. So, I did.

When I started offering this $20,000 program, I closed the first sale during my third sales call. It all happened because I found the right person with the right pain points and demonstrated the value.


Start attracting your best listeners by getting focused. Get the Listener Development Worksheet at

Complete the worksheet, and get hyper-focused on your best listeners. Then, create content specifically for that person.

If you don’t have a mentor who can take your hand and walk you every step of the way, go to, click the button and apply to have a chat with me. We will develop your plan and see how I can help and support you to achieve your podcast goals.