Bigger Downloads

Why You Don’t Have Bigger Downloads


There was a post in a podcasting Facebook group the other day wondering why they don’t have bigger downloads. The download challenge hits all of us. So, let’s overcome that struggle.

The post said, “We have recently launched our 6th episode and have been running for 6 weeks now. My downloads have not even hit 500 yet. I feel like there is something else I should be doing.”

As you can imagine, the Facebook crowd was quick to offer their opinion along with their exaggerated download numbers.

First, let’s look at the issues with the question. Then, we can talk about the solutions.


There are seven big issues when asking about your downloads.

Not all downloads are equal.

Be careful when you are comparing your internal numbers with the public numbers of others. You typically are not comparing apples to apples.

The niche and target are different. Your content and personality are different. The longevity and experience are different.

So, let’s look at why you shouldn’t be ask this question in the first place.


My best friend and I recently drove to Detroit to see my son play in a hockey showcase. He rocked it.

As we were passing Cedar Rapids, Iowa, we saw the exit to Dyersville, Iowa. It is the place there they filmed the movie Field of Dreams.

In the movie, the owner of a farm is told, “If you build it, they will come.”

He builds a baseball diamond in his cornfield. Soon, ghosts of baseball legends come to play. They attract a huge audience and reunite the farmer with his dad.

Unfortunately, if you build it they will come only happens in the movies. You need to promote your podcast to build your audience.

Just because you’ve published your show, don’t believe your audience will automatically grow.

Take action each week to methodically get in front of new listeners who aren’t aware of you.


One commenter on the Facebook post suggested social media.

That’s only part of the answer.

To grow your audience, you need to attract new listeners while keeping your currently listeners coming back episode after episode.

Feed both sides of the equations.

There is a problem trying to grow with social media. Those people already know you.

Unless you are spending money on ads, organic social media won’t do much to help you reach new listeners and get bigger downloads.


We talked a little about comparing yourself to others. Your bigger downloads aren’t equal to bigger downloads of others.

You can’t compare yourself to everyone else.

Your show and niche are different. You don’t know where they are starting.

If someone launches a show after building a Facebook group of 25,000, they are much further ahead after six episodes than you will be. It’s not the same.


When you are seeking bigger downloads, look for quality over quantity.

It is much more important to have 100 people who love everything you do and buy everything you offer than it is having 1,000 people who are just curious.

There are three levels of prospects. You have those that are intrigued, those that are interested, and those that are invested.

Prospects that are intrigued are kicking the tires to see what’s available. They aren’t anywhere close to being fully committed to solving their problem.

Those that are interested have taken that first step. They are aware of their problem and are seeking a solution.

Interested people may have given you their email address or registered for a webinar. They may have even subscribed to your podcast.

Then, you have the invested people. These are prospects actively spending money on their solution.

If you have an audience full of invested people, it can be much smaller and much more profitable than an audience of intrigued people.


Next, keep your bigger downloads in perspective.

According to audio hosting company Libsyn, the median number of downloads of all podcast episodes that were released between 30 and 60 days ago is typically around 150.

(If you’d like to host on Libsyn, visit and use the coupon code PTC to get your first month free.)

The median is the middle. If you stack all downloads smallest to largest, the median is the number right in the middle. There are 50% more and 50% fewer.

Let’s assume the 6th episode of this particular podcast was recently released. The number of downloads wouldn’t be included, because it is just beginning to get downloaded.

So, this podcast is getting nearly 100 downloads an episode and it’s brand new.

100 downloads is pretty good considering the median is 150. Keep it in perspective.


With that being said, the next challenge is time. It has only been 6 weeks.

This show is brand new and you are already at 500 downloads. Give it time to grow.

Have you ever planted tomatoes?

In the spring, we put in six tomato plants. They grew and grew with no tomatoes.

Finally, late July arrives. It has been about 10 weeks since putting the plants in the ground.

Temperatures get up to around 100 Fahrenheit. Next thing you know, we can’t keep up with all the tomatoes on the plants.

In early August, we were picking tomatoes everyday. There were so many.

Looking for bigger downloads six weeks after you launch is like walking out to your garden six weeks after planting and wondering why you don’t have anything ready to pick.

Give it time.


Finally, podcasting takes patience. Enjoy the journey.

One commenter said podcasting has taught them patience. This is probably the wisest comment I’ve seen on Facebook.

He who enjoys walking will walk much farther than he who enjoys the destination.

Regardless of where you are, there will always be bigger downloads. Enjoy the journey.


Now, let’s talk about getting bigger downloads.

Just because you shouldn’t be comparing yourself to others doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be working to get bigger downloads.

There are a variety things you can do to grow your audience.

Remember to seek quality over quantity as you consistently do the work to grow.


First, remember the two sides of the equation. You must get new listeners in addition to keeping your current listeners coming back.

Find ways to get in front of people who don’t know you. Invite them to your email list, so you can nurture the relationship.

You can then email those people each time you release a new episode.


Next, keep your current listeners coming back week after week.

You need to effectively tease your next episode. Email your list and remind people to listen. Post on social media to let your following know about the new episode.

If you don’t keep current listeners coming back, it’s like putting water into a bucket with holes in the bottom. No matter how much water you add, you bucket won’t remain full.


The third thing you need to do to create bigger downloads is collaborate.

Find partners who are already talking to your ideal listeners.

Collaborate with those partners to get in front of their audience.

Too many people approach business with a scarcity mentality. They think if they introduce another expert to their audience, their clients will leave and go to the other expert.

Business doesn’t usually work that way. Many clients use multiple experts.

If you have someone helping with your podcast, you might have somebody else helping with your website and a third coaching you around your sales.

Find partners who serve the same audience in a different way.


Next, get bigger downloads by getting interviewed. Get on other podcasts.

Podcast listeners listen to podcasts. Fish where the fish are.

I know it sounds basic. Podcast listeners listen to podcasts. But, are you leveraging that opportunity?

The average podcast listener consumes about 7 different shows each week. Roughly 30% of podcast listeners consume over 11 different shows on a weekly basis.

Just because they are listening to another show doesn’t prevent them from listening to you.

Get interviewed.


If you want to get bigger downloads, create word of mouth. Get people talking about you.

To create word of mouth, create great content that people will talk about.

Spend time creating great episodes. Determine the biggest challenges of your audience, and then help your audience solve those problems.


Next, be consistent.

People are creatures of habit. Show up in their life every week and become a habit.

You do this by consistently publishing at the same time every week.

You also need to consistently promote your show. Appear in the lives of your listeners on a consistent basis.

Select your three primary promotional vehicles, and work on them regularly.


Finally, never pass up a mic.

If someone offers you an opportunity to get in front of their audience, take it.

When it comes to bigger downloads, I’m more concerned with the quality of the audience than the size of the audience.

I’ve landed a $20,000 client by speaking to a group of six.

You never know when you’ll find that perfect client. Never pass up a mic.


When it comes to bigger downloads, have a strategy.

First, don’t compare yourself to others. Simply work to grow.

Next, have a system that you can execute consistently.

Then, get new listeners to come while keeping your current listeners coming back.

Finally, be consistent.


Next week I’m going to help you get in front of new listeners.

We will talk with Kimberly Crowe. She is the founder of Speakers Playhouse and Podapalooza, which is a great way to get yourself interviewed. You can learn more about Podapalooza at

Kimberly will talk with us about landing speaking opportunities and speaking to sell. That’s all next week.

If you don’t have a mentor who can take your hand and walk you every step of the way, go to, click the button and apply to have a chat with me. We will develop your plan and see how I can help and support you to achieve your podcast goals.