Ashley Logsdon on Building Relationships

Building Relationships With Your Audience – PTC 514

Building relationships with your audience is the path to your success.


Whether you’re trying to grow your audience, grow your business, or make your impact on the world, success requires a powerful relationship.

People do business with those they know, like and trust. It’s all about building rapport.

People follow those they know, like and trust. Influential authority originates from building a relationship with those you want to follow you.

When we start building your podcast, one of the first steps is defining your ideal target listener. Your avatar. Who are you trying to attract.

Most people will go through the typical basics, like age, gender, niche, etc.

Some will go a little deeper to describe the avatar’s interests, pains, and goals.

Few will get deep enough to define the influencers their ideal client follows, the mental challenges holding their prospect back, or the myths that the avatar believes.

The more you know about your ideal target listener, the stronger your content will be. You can use this definition as a filter for everything you do.


One area often overlooked is personality style. By defining the personality style of your ideal target listener, you will know what content is important to her, how to communicate with her, and what will inspire her to take action.

There are a variety of personality tests available. Each of them are a little different, but typically measure a person’s characteristics, motivations and tendencies.

A personality test helps define the best way to interact with someone.

By understanding how to communicate with the various personality types and which types you work best with, you can craft your content to superserve this specific group.


On this episode, I’m joined by relationship expert Ashley Logsdon. We delve into the intricate world of personality types and their impact on building strong audience relationships.

Ashley Logsdon is a Life Harmony Relationships coach. She works with individuals to create a life where every family member thrives.

Focusing on introspection and understanding “the language of empathy”, she helps professionals and families move from communication to true connection – with themselves, their environment, and others.

She’s been involved in her father’s business for the past 20 years. Ashley now runs and manages 48 Days, LLC – a resource for creating the work and the life you love.

Ashley and her husband Nathan co-hosted the Mama Says Namaste podcast for 7 years. The show focuses on intentional family living and togetherness.

This conversation is from my Podcast Profits Summit and will help you understand how to attract, connect with, and communicate with your ideal target listener.


Together, we explore the DISC personality system, where Ashley explains the varying traits of D (Dominant), I (Influential), S (Supportive/Steady), and C (Conscientious/Creative) types. The discussion highlights how understanding these personality styles can help podcasters adapt their communication to better connect with their listeners.

Ashley emphasizes that every personality type has its strengths and challenges, especially in entrepreneurial ventures. She suggests that while D and I traits are often seen in successful business builders due to their assertiveness and social ease, S and C personalities also bring unique advantages.


Throughout the conversation, Ashley and I discuss the significance of knowing your audience on a deeper level. Moving beyond basic demographics to understand the challenges, interests, and personality types of listeners can greatly enhance content engagement.

Ashley introduces a free guide available at 48days.com/you that provides practical tips on empathetic communication tailored to various DISC profiles, which can be an invaluable resource for podcasters aiming to resonate more with their audience.

Our conversation also touches on the effective strategies for interacting with different personality types in various settings.

Ashley recounts a live event scenario where she managed an interaction with a high-I individual by affirming her presence and gently guiding the conversation to maintain the event focus. This example underscores the adaptability required in real-time communications and the value of preemptive understanding of personality styles.


We also talk about the pivotal role of relationship-building in podcast success. By tailoring content and interactions to fit the listeners’ personality types, podcasters can foster a deeper sense of connection and trust.

Whether you are a high-energy, quick-deciding D or a detail-oriented, systematic C, this episode is rich with insights on how to harness your unique traits to create compelling, engaging podcast content.

Enjoy our discussion.

Grab Ashley’s gift at 48days.com/you.

Who are you trying to attract? Which clients are best for you?

Clearly define your ideal target listener. Understand who you’re trying to attract.

The more you know, the easier it will be to attract them to you.


If you don’t have a mentor who can take your hand and walk you every step of the way, go to www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/apply, click the button and apply to have a chat with me. We will develop your plan and see how I can help and support you to achieve your podcast goals.