Your Virtual Events

Building Your Virtual Events With Janelle Anderson – PTC 492


To make your impact on the world, you need attention, authority and influence. A great way to create that rapport is through virtual events.


You can promote your virtual event with your podcast. At the virtual event, you can get closer to your audience, build stronger relationships, and demonstrate your expertise.

To be an influencer, increase your visibility.

A virtual event is any online gathering that allows you to present to a crowd and move a room.

Some of the most common virtual events include webinars and summits. You can also create workshops, VIP days, masterclasses, networking events, 3-day events, meet-ups, online conferences, and a variety of other gatherings.

On your podcast, you can discuss the transformation people will experience at your event. Then, make the invite.

At the event, deliver value, help people get results, and make an offer to them.


There are three things your participants should receive at your events.

First, they need to receive your training. Teach them something that will help them solve a problem.

Next, they need to do something. This could be homework during a 3-day event or simply generating ideas during a webinar. Get your participants to take a step forward.

Finally, participants need to share. They could share the ideas they just generated in the chat during a webinar. During a 3-day event you can put them into breakout rooms to share with each other.

Sharing makes the doing real. This is similar to sharing goals. Studies show that when you share goals, you are more likely to achieve those goals.

Learn, do and share is an effective structure of all great events.


There are many benefits to doing a live event.

Events give you more face time with your prospects. You can build stronger relationships and rapport as part of the sales process. They get to know you better.

These events let you learn more about your prospect and their challenges. The more they do and share during the event, the more you discover how you can help them. It is powerful market research.

Events allow you to make more offers to your prospects. These people are spending good time with you. If you’ve built your structure properly, you are providing great value. Now you can offer them the next step with you.

Finally, events give you more visibility. You gain by the visibility of promoting the event. There is benefit by the visibility you get during the event. And then you can benefit by continuing the discussion online with participants after the event.


When it comes to building my events, I learned by watching those already conducting successful events.

By participating in and helping with their events, I learned what worked and what didn’t. I discovered what I should do and what I should avoid.

To make my events successful, I tried to find those who already had authority and influence in their niche. Then, I offered to help them with their event for free. I just wanted to be close enough to learn.

Today I conduct a variety of events including summits, workshops, 3-day events, masterminds and more. It has been a powerful way to build my authority and influence. It can help you as well.


Today, I’ve invited event expert Janelle Anderson on the show to help us learn how to create our own powerful event.

Janelle Anderson is known as the Speaking Confidence Coach for coaches. She is a Certified Professional Coach, author, and renowned speaker.

Janelle is on a mission to empower coaches to launch on a strong foundation of clear messaging aimed at the audience most aligned with their passions and strengths.

She helps coaches grow their business through masterful speaking and storytelling with her business, Emerging Life Coaching.

Her latest event is the Art of Influence Summit where I’m proud to be a speaker. Enjoy my conversation with Janelle Anderson.


Get started with your event today. Join us for the free training coming up May 21st at 6pm ET/3p PT. It will show you how to create, host and run simple, profitable and virtual events.

You can get registered at

Build your virtual event to grow your authority and influence in your niche.

Janelle and I look forward to seeing you there.


If you don’t have a mentor who can take your hand and walk you every step of the way, go to, click the button and apply to have a chat with me. We will develop your plan and see how I can help and support you to achieve your podcast goals.