Stories capture attention

How To Capture Attention – Episode 219

Have you noticed a lot of the business interview podcasts sound the same? We are hearing the same guests answer the same questions time and time again. How do you become unique in this sea of sameness and capture attention?

Storytelling can transform your podcast.

I was on a coaching call with Arman the other day. He is a great public speaker who is launching a podcast to compliment his business.

Arman has a knack for telling stories in his speeches. His past life experiences create compelling tales. We were discussing the power of stories in his show.

There is a subtle difference between telling stories in a speech and telling stories in a podcast. During a speech, few people will get up and leave if you don’t hold their attention.

While listening to a podcast, if you are captivating, there is a good chance your listener will go find something else to enjoy. There is no guilt in turning you off.

Therefore, you need to capture their attention right out of the box and hold it.

Stories can be a powerful tool with your podcast.

People do business with people they know, like and trust. Stories help you develop that knowledge, likability and trust.

Your stories define you and will touch many more people. The stories you tell and the details you include reveal many things about you. That begins to develop that like and trust.

It can be a bit scary to reveal things about yourself on your podcast. Develop the ability to recognize your unique thoughts and the courage to reveal them on your show.

Two radio coaches have influenced me greatly over the years. They each have similar views on storytelling.

Radio consultant Randy Lane says use stories to “make it human by making it humorous, compelling or tragic”.

Radio talent coach Bill McMahon suggest you decide what you hope to make your audience “Laugh at, marvel at or better understand.”

How do you want your audience to feel after hearing your story? Frame that feeling in your engaging introduction. Decide what you hope to reveal about yourself with the story.

Stories help you connect, motivate and inspire.

There are four parts to the storytelling structure.


This pulls your listener right into the story. Your introduction should tell your listener exactly where the story is headed.


How will your emotion be revealed in the story? Use vivid details to make your story come to life in the theater of the mind.


Wrap up the story with a reframing of your engaging introduction.


Asking “What Else” will transform your show. Don’t let the story simply end and fade away. Turn it into something powerful.

“What Else” can we do with a compelling story? You could create a video, continue the conversation on social media, follow up with listener input in the following episode or various other things. Let your story lead to something bigger.

Ask “what else can we do” and see where it leads.

Do you want help?

Dave Jackson and I host thePodcast Review Show together. Our guests appear on the show to have their podcast reviewed by the two of us.

Typically, hiring the two of us individually for an hour would be hundreds of dollars. This opportunity saves you a ton of money. Not only do you get an hour of consulting from us on this show, you get to plug your show for a sixty minutes. And, we get great content for a podcast.

We would love to have you on the show. Get the details here:


I’d love to help you with your podcast. E-mail any questions or comments you might have to

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