Connect Content to Clients

Connecting Content To Clients – PTC 367

If you are trying to monetize your podcast, you need to figure out how to connect your content to your clients and customers. There needs to be a path that naturally leads to the relationship.

Your podcast is a perfect way to build that relationship. The content and stories you share allow your listeners to get to know you, like you and trust you.


The other day, I was on a call with one of my clients. We were discussing his latest episode that I reviewed.

On the episode, he did a great job interviewing his guest. It was all the things we talk about here on the show. Great stories, big laughs, a solid story arc and vivid details. The interview rocked.

As I listened to the conversation, something hit me. This content and interview was doing nothing to attract clients to his coaching business. There was no strategic purpose to the interview. There was no connection between his content and client creation.

We needed to get intentional about the content we were sharing on the show. The content needs to fit into a bigger strategy.


Let’s think about your show and how you’re making money with it. We need to begin by determining where you are.

How many episodes have you published? Over that course of time, how long have you been trying to monetize the show?

Next, what have you tried? Which have worked and which have not?

Now, let’s look at all of that. You have all of these episodes. You’ve been trying to monetize for quite some time. Most of it has been trial and error. Maybe you’ve had a little success, but nothing consistent.

What is missing? You’re missing a proven strategy that works. To monetize, you need to plan that you can consistently implement.

Part of that plan is the journey your listener takes from enjoying your content to becoming your client or customer.


Before we get into the details, I want to give you some help.

There is enough information out there for you. YouTube videos. Free downloads. Courses. You’ve seen it all.

How has it worked for you? Well, you’re still right here looking.

The ingredient you’re missing is accountability. You don’t have a mentor who can take your hand and walk you every step of the way.

The information is everywhere. It is the execution and accountablility that are missing.

You can get it in my next Podcast Profits Bootcamp. In January, I am teaching podcast engagement and the podcast-profit connection.

A full-day event is typically $997. It is packed with action. We build your strategy to get your listeners to take action and begin their journey on your monetization strategy.

You want to monetize, but you’re missing the strategy and accountability. This full-day event will get you there.

I want to see you get there. If you enroll by December 31st, you can get in for just $197. Register at

The bootcamp happens on Thursday, January 13th. You need to get signed up and take action. Take the first step toward your goals.

2022 can be completely different for you. But, you need accountability and action, not more information. This full-day event will help you achieve your goals.

Get registered at


Let’s talk about why your other plans haven’t worked.

There are 6 reasons podcasts don’t make money or attract clients. Your audience size probably isn’t one of those reasons.

The first issue is you don’t have anything to sell.

When podcasters contact me for coaching, our first step is a podcast strategy session. During that call, we define goals and the strategy to achieve those goals.

Though the questions vary, one seems to consistently come up. “How can I make money with my podcast?” I ask, “What are you selling?”

Can your listeners currently give you money for anything?

We need to create something to sell around your superpower. Then you just need more people to buy it. That’s where you podcast can help.


The second problem is you are not asking for the sale.

Podcasters say, “Yeah, Erik. I have a course for sale. Nobody is buying it.”

Have you told anyone about it?

One of my buddies has a great course available. I had known him for six months before I knew anything about it.

Once you build your rapport through your podcast, the “yes” should become a formality if you actually ask for the sale and help your listener succeed.


The next issue is you don’t seek to help first.

You may not be making money with your podcast, because you are not seeking to help your audience before you try to sell them.

What better way to offer value to your ideal clients than giving them amazing content every week?

Like Zig Ziglar always said, “You can have anything you want in life if you just help enough other people get what they want.”

Here is your chance. Approach your show with the heart of a teacher. Help your listeners win. When your product or service is a tool to facilitate that success, you won’t come across as the hard sell. You will be just the help they are looking for.


Next, podcasts don’t make money because you haven’t uncovered the true pain.

It is much easier to “not sell” when you are solving a pain rather than offering a benefit. There is a saying that “more people buy aspirin than vitamins.” People are more willing to pay to get out of pain than experience a pleasure.

When you are solving that pain, you need to ensure you have uncovered the true pain.

On your podcast, you could be answering questions from your listeners. You will see some commonalities develop that uncover the true pain of your audience. It is like market research right on your show.


Podcasts don’t make money because the host hasn’t explained the benefit and transformation.

You may not be making money with your podcast, because your listeners don’t want or value what you are selling. If your ideal client doesn’t know how your coaching, product or service will transform them into their ideal selves and how they will benefit, why would they buy?

This doesn’t mean what you sell is not good. It means that listeners don’t fully understand the benefit of your stuff or the transformation they will experience by using your product or service.

People do not buy products and services. They buy what the products and services can do for them. People are not buying the flour, sugar and frosting. They are buying the joy of eating the cake and celebrating their event.

Use your podcast to demonstrate that transformation. Highlight former clients and customers who have achieved real results.


The final reason podcasts don’t make money is because you haven’t established trust.

Once you have explained the transformation, your ideal client must believe you. A reason you may not be making money with your podcast is the lack of trust.

People do business with those they know, like and trust. Be consistent in delivering on your promises over time to build trust with your listeners.

With your podcast, you can develop that friendship. Think of the podcasts or radio hosts you enjoy. Don’t you feel like you know them and could go have a drink with them this weekend? That is how that a powerful relationship develops.


As you work to build your monetization strategy, start with the end in mind. What do you ultimately want your listener to do?

This could be buy your product, enroll in your program, support your cause or a variety of other things.

Once you’ve determine the destination, we work backward through each step until we are creating content.


Let’s say your goal is to get people to sign up for your faith-based membership. You help people strenghen their religious journey.

What is the one thing they need to do right before they register for your membership?

That previous step could be attending your webinar where they discover they need the membership. This training could be called “How to find a spiritual community to support your walk”.

The webinar teaches them how to find support for their journey. You might teach how community helps people achieve their faith-based goals. At the end of the webinar, you then offer the membership as the solution to that problem.

Your membership is the solution to finding that community.

Now, what is the one thing they need to do right before they register for the webinar?

They need to get your lead magnet where they discover the need for community and that you are teaching about it.

The lead magnet might be 6 ways to deepen your spiritual walk. One of those ways will be community. You just happen to be teaching about it in a live training.

The lead magnet solves one problem while opening their eyes to another. They learn how to deepen their walk while discovering they need a community.

So, what is the one thing they need to do right before they get the lead magnet?

They need the why. Why do they need to deepen their walk? Where are they struggling and how can a deeper walk help them?

This is where you build the content for your podcast. On your show, you talk about the walk, the need for a deeper connection and the transformation possible in their life.


You now have the journey created. They listen to the show and discover the lead magnet. The lead magnet opens your listener’s eyes to the training on the webinar. During the webinar, you offer listeners the opportunity to go deeper with you in the membership.

It is all about a strategy.

Are you ready to build your plan?

The information is everywhere. You need execution and accountablility.

You will get it in my next Podcast Profits Bootcamp. On January 13th, I am teaching podcast engagement and the podcast-profit connection. We will build your strategy in this 7-hour bootcamp.

This full-day event is typically $997. It is packed with action. We build your strategy to get your listeners to take action and begin their journey on your monetization strategy.

I want to see you reach your goals. If you enroll by December 31st, you can get in for just $197. Register at

2022 can be huge you. But, you need accountability and action, not more information. This full-day event will help you achieve your goals.

Get registered at

Now is the time to take the first step of your 2022 journey. I can’t wait to see you there. Go get signed up.