Overcome the fear of speaking

Grow Through Speaking With Marjorie Saulson – PTC 405

Speaking is a great way to grow your audience and increase your downloads. Unfortunately, many people fear public speaking. There are many ways to leverage speaking other than being onstage.


If you would like to grow your audience, join me for a free workshop. It’s called “How To Grow Your Audience In 30 Days Or Less”. It happens online Thursday, September 22nd

You will discover…

  • The exact step-by-step process to fill your audience with your ideal clients
  • The most effective way to get new listeners and increase your downloads
  • How to overcome the common challenges podcasters face to get results quickly

You can get registered at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/training.

If you’re like most podcasters, you have struggled to grow your audience. It has been a challenge to fill your pipeline with qualified prospects for your business. I know you don’t want to spend a ton of money on ads that don’t work.

Let me help. I’ll show you a much more effective process without throwing away good money. Join us on Thursday, September 22nd at 2pm Central Time, Noon Pacific Time.

Register at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/training.

Let’s build your growth strategy.


Today, I want to help you get started with one specific way to grow your audience. Public speaking is a powerful way to connect with new listeners.

Studies tell us the fear of public speaking is one of the most common fears in society today. I would suggest it is the fear of failure while public speaking that is most common.

When most people think of public speaking, they think of being onstage. I want to give you 9 different stages where you can appear that are much less scary than being on stage. Then, my good friend Marjorie Saulson is going to help you overcome the fear of public speaking.


When you think of a stage, I want you to think of any opportunity to get in front of an audience. Live on stage is one opportunity. However, there are nine others that don’t involve actually being on stage.

Podcast interviews can put you in front of an audience without actually being onstage. Your potential listeners are listening to other shows. Find them.

You can get on YouTube interviews. YouTube is the second most powerful search engine in the world. Take advantage of it.

Facebook Live interviews are another option for you. It is the most popular social media. Use it to get in front of new audiences in a way that doesn’t involve being on stage.

You could speak on summits. These are like online conferences with a virtual audience. It is very similar to being onstage. But, you are not standing on stage looking at an audience staring back at you.

There are other virtual events you could use. These could be mastermind meeting, webinars and other online events that put you in front of new audiences.

Leverage crowdsourced content and guest segments on other podcasts. This is where another expert creates most of the content, and you just contribute a piece to be included amongst the bigger whole.


Newsletters are a non-traditional way to get in front of a new audience. It doesn’t necessarily involve speaking in front of an audience. However, it is a great way to find new listeners.

You can guest blogs for other influencers. Use this opportunity to get in front of prospective listeners.

Finally, email swaps leverage the influence of other experts. When they include you in their newsletter, it is similar to endorsing your podcast.


So, how do you get over the fear of public speaking? You’re in luck, because Marjorie Saulson is here to help us today.

Marjorie Saulson is a Communication Confidence Coach and founder of Vibrant Vocal Power. She was named Top Speaking Coach of the Year and Top Motivational Speaker of the Decade by the International Association of Top Professionals.

Marjorie is the #1 International Bestselling Author of Empowering Business Owners to Overcome Public Speaking Fears Whether You’re Talking to 1 Person or 1000.

You can find her at https://VibrantVocalPower.com.

She joins us today to help us discover 3 strategies that people can use to help reduce or prevent nerves and fear when public speaking.

The fear of public speaking is costing business owners quite a bit today. Marjorie will help us avoid that pitfall and find our voice.

Enjoy my conversation with Marjorie Saulson.

Take advantage of Marjorie’s free report on “How to Prepare for an Irresistible Interview”. You can download it at https://vibrantvocalpower.com/podcast.


Thanks for being here this week.

Don’t forget to get registered for my next workshop “How To Grow Your Audience In 30 Days Or Less”. It happens online Thursday, September 22nd at 2p Central Time, Noon Pacific Time.

You will discover…

  • The exact step-by-step process to fill your audience with your ideal clients
  • The most effective way to get new listeners and increase your downloads
  • How to overcome the common challenges podcasters face to get results quickly

You can get registered at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/training.

I look forward to seeing you there.

Next week we will discover how to incorporate your podcast into your overall marketing plan to create a steady stream of clients for you. Plus, I’ll have another great coaching call for you to show you exactly how to implement that plan into your business to reach your goals.

I’ll see you next week.

If you don’t have a mentor who can take your hand and walk you every step of the way, go to www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/apply, click the button and apply to have a chat with me. We will develop your plan and see how I can help and support you to achieve your podcast goals.