Increase Your Significance With Relationships

Grow Your Significance – PTC 535

Why do you want a podcast? I’m pretty sure you don’t want a podcast just to have a podcast. You want influence and authority. You want significance.


It’s not about what you’re saying. It is about who you’re being when you’re saying it. Your significance comes from who you are, not what you say.

Your listeners come for your content, but stay for you.

When I coach clients, they often find it difficult to step into who they really are. They don’t think people want to hear about their life or story.

But, that’s the furthest from the truth. People listen to you for companionship.

Companionship is the primary reason people listen to audio. They don’t want to be alone.

People don’t want to exercise alone, so they have their earbuds in. They don’t want to drive alone, so they have audio on. Your fans don’t want to be alone on a run, so they are listening to your podcast. You’re keeping them company.


On a coaching call the other day, my client said his former coach told him to cut out all of the personal stuff. Nobody wants to hear it.

That advice couldn’t be further from the truth. And it’s detrimental to your podcast.

Are your downloads struggling? There isn’t enough of you. Your podcast cannot survive on content alone.

Artificial intelligence can copy your information. It can probably generate your six steps to success faster than you can. I don’t need to sit through 30 minute of your podcast.

AI can’t copy you and your story. Share yourself with your fans and stand out.

Your fans want more of you.

That little voice in your head is telling you that people may not like what you share. They may not like the real you.

And that’s ok.


The biggest personalities are polarizing. But they didn’t start that way.

Oprah started as a typical news anchor. She went on to host a daytime television show that was just like her competitors Phil Donahue, Sally Jessy Raphael and the others.

When Oprah finally decided to be herself, share her struggles and do it her way, her star shot to the top. However, she wasn’t for everyone. But her superfans loved her. She had incredible significance that lives on today.

Howard Stern started in radio doing the same schtick every other DJ was doing. He struggled to find success.

One day Stern decided to do it his way and be himself. He rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. Even his program director was trying to hold him back.

But, his fan base started to grow quickly. People loved him. And people hated him. He surely isn’t for everyone.

But the people who love him really love him. He became the biggest star on the radio, because he shared himself. His became of person of significance.


You don’t need to share everything about yourself to grow your significance. It requires sharing the right things.

The fans get to know you by the stories you share with them. Share the stories that build your brand.

Once you’ve determined your ideal target listener, you know exactly what means the most to them. This is where your significance originates. Speak into their lives by sharing parts of your life with them.

There are seven elements of powerful, magnetic personalities. This is how to start your journey to significance.

I teach you how to elevate your significance and become a magnetic personality who attracts clients to you rather than chasing them inside of the Podcast Profits Accelerator community.

This is powerful group that will help you build and implement your podcast monetization strategy. It all begins by becoming a magnetic personality. You can get full details at


First, you need a character. That is you. Have the courage to step into who you are.

You are the leader of your tribe. People want what you have. Believe in yourself.

Ignore the people who aren’t following you. They won’t become your fans anyway. People who don’t love you won’t buy your products, consume your content.

On the other hand, your fans will love you when you lead.


Next, you need an origin story. How did you develop your superpower?

You need to be able to tell this story in ten minutes and also in 90 seconds.

Your origin story is how your significance came to be. It’s a critical part of your journey. This is the first step in getting people to love who you are. Share your struggles, discoveries, and successes.

Gary Vaynerchuk has his origin story of how his father immigrated here from Belarus and started a liquor store.

Steve Jobs had his origin story of being adopted and starting his computer company in the garage with his buddy Steve Wozniak.


The third element is the transformation. This is the moment you discovered your superpower. Think of it in terms of, “And then one day…”

When was the moment you discovered this was your purpose in life?

Jeff Walker of Product Launch Formula had his transformation when he did his first launch of his newsletter to 19 people.

Howard Stern has his “oh wow” moment when he was frustrated and just shared his life on air one day. People started calling, and he knew he was on to something special.


From your origin story, you next need to develop your foundational principles. These are the things that lay the foundation for what you do.

What are the principles you won’t break?

Russel Brunson of ClickFunnels believes you’re only one funnel away from breaking through.

Dave Ramsey is against credit cards.


Next, you need stories that wrap around and demonstrate your principles. Think of these like the parables in the Bible. People learn through story.

There are a few stories from your journey that solidify your principles. Share these stories often. These could be small pieces of your origin story.

Russel Brunson has his potato gun story.

Alex Hormozi has the story of sleeping on the floor just to make it work.


Personalities with significance have a certain lingo that superfans use. This is a little insider language.

What phrases do you use often? Find half a dozen sayings that are common in your talks and use them often.

Gary Vaynerchuk talk about arbitrage and hustle.

Dave Ramsey uses “live like no one else so later you can live like no one else”.


The final element is word of mouth. You need a handful of superfans who will spread your praises everywhere they can.

Celebrate these people on your show. Get them to tell as many people as possible.

Empower your superfans.

Rush Limbaugh had dittoheads.

Alex Hormozi has MoziNation.


When you have accomplished all seven traits of magnetic personalities, you’ll see your significance grow.

Would you like my help implementing this into your show and business? Are you struggling to get noticed and grow your influence?

Come join us in the Podcast Profits Accelerator.

This is powerful group that will help you build and implement your podcast monetization strategy. It all begins by becoming a magnetic personality. You can get full details at

If you have questions, reach out HERE.

I can’t wait to see you there.