Visibility, conflict, time and more

Grow Your Visibility – PTC 460


I’ve been receiving a lot of questions lately from listeners like you at coach at podcast talent coach dot com. So this week we are going to answer questions about dedicating time, who pays your fee, and how to increase your visibility.

We are currently in the middle of nowhere at a cabin in Vermont. Luckily the cabin has wi-fi, because there is no cell service up here.

A client joined me for a coaching call on Zoom yesterday. She is struggling to get clients into her group coaching program.

There are currently 6 episodes of her podcast published. And she has a small email list.

However, she has a list of about 24 people who have had a free introduction call with her over the last few months. She also has another list of 25 or 30 who had an introduction call earlier this year.

She wants to send an email to the entire group and let them know she is starting another round of her group coaching program. Then she would invite them to a group intro call.

It won’t work. I told her nobody wants to come to a sales pitch.

People want to be served.

I suggested she send all 50 a personal email letting them know she is holding a free info session. Then ask if they are interested. That’s it.

No details and no other info. Just, “I have an info session, are you interested.”

If they respond with a yes, then send them the registration details with no mention of the group program.

My client thought that was a lot of work and going to take a lot of time.

Yep, it is and it will.


If you want to get your business off the ground, you need to put the time and energy into it at the start to gain some momentum.

Once you start making sales, you can then hire people to help you.

Few people will go the extra mile. That’s why it’s so effective.

Lucky, the cabin wi-fi held strong, and the coaching call went well.

That’s why I love this journey. I can do it whenever and wherever. Even in a rural cabin in the middle of Vermont.

Let’s answer a few questions. If you have a question for me, email me at coach at podcast talent coach dot com.



My biggest challenge is deciding when to apply energies to this. I need to explore this within my business program. I did a 40-day run of FB Lives to “simulate” a content rhythm.

I’m balancing staying focused and becoming more visible.





We just talked about selecting your three favorite strategies on Episode 458.

To build an online business, get in front of new potential clients and build a relationship. The best way to do this is content creation.

Where can people find you online?

There are three forms on content. You can create audio, video or the written word.

Pick your favorite and then select a method of sharing.

You might write a blog for your website or articles for another.

Your podcast could serve as your audio distribution method.

Maybe you love video. YouTube, Facebook lives and TikTok are all options for you.

Sure, you can repurpose your content across multiple platforms. But, you need to get proficient with one before you can spread it across multiple.

If you love doing the Facebook lives over that 40-day run, consider compiling a few each week into a podcast. This will allow you to repurpose the content you’ve already created.

Different people enjoy consuming content in different ways. Being available on different platforms will allow you to serve your content in the form they prefer.



On the podcast front, my biggest challenge is working with a board of directors that loves a contractor who is defensive and territorial.

The contractor doesn’t understand the difference between an audio file posted to the WordPress media manager on a single website and an RSS feed.

I pointed out about a half dozen issues that were preventing our “podcast” from reaching our audience.




This one is tough. I suggest you start by putting yourself in their shoes.

I was once hired by a client to launch his podcast to promote his book. We had a clear strategy with defined steps.

Once the project started, he handed it off to one of his assistants. The assistant would host and produce the show. But, my client was the one paying me.

It quickly became a challenge to get the buy-in from the assistant. He thought he knew how to create an effective podcast and didn’t see the value of my coaching.

Because he didn’t hire me, he didn’t implement the coaching I was providing. Therefore, the show wasn’t experiencing the success they buyer wanted.

The production services I was providing also took those duties off of the assistants plate leaving him less work to do.

I don’t know if he felt I was taking his job. What I do know is that he wasn’t invested in the outcome like his boss was.

The boss and I finally had a discussion. I explained the challenge and we agreed that it would probably be best for his company to go all in with one direction.

If he wanted the assistant to do the podcast, let him do it all. If he wanted my assistance, boss should be more involved with the show.

I separated myself from the decision and let the assistant take over the podcast. It was best for all of us.

With your situation, put yourself in the contractor’s shoes.

What are they trying to accomplish?

How might you help the contractor see a better path to get there?

Be a partner rather than a competitor. Help the contractor reach the goals. Your life will be less stressful and everybody wins.



My biggest challenge is how to increase my visibility? How can I leverage my podcast into other forms such as Club House, Facebook, etc. and also how about summits?

What roles can these play to “weave” our podcast efforts to grow our engaged and “buying” audience more?




ChatGPT can help you repurpose your podcast content. Once you’ve created your amazing episode, use ChatGPT to create short pieces to share across various platforms.

You can use a tool like to create short videos for you. Castmagic will help you transcribe and repurpose your content.

Post it on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, or wherever your ideal clients congregate.

First, determine where your audience lives online.

Next, determine what type of content they like. It could be short videos, quote cards, or some other content.

Finally, ask ChatGPT to create some of that for you from the content you’ve already created. Repurpose it.

I’m not sure how you would connect your podcast content to appearing on other summits. But, you could use your own summit as podcast episodes.

Interview guests on your summit. Then, repurpose those summit interviews as podcast interviews. Add a quick introduction, and you have a great episode.

It all starts by getting clear on your ideal client. Know as much as you can about that person. Then, go find them online.



If you don’t have a mentor who can take your hand and walk you every step of the way, go to, click the button and apply to have a chat with me. We will develop your plan and see how I can help and support you to achieve your podcast goals.