Helping Agape Garcia Leverage Other Podcasts

Helping Agape Garcia Leverage Other Podcasts – PTC 408

You can really grow your podcast audience when you leverage other podcasts. Even when you don’t have a podcast of your own, appearing on other podcasts can really drive your business.

Today, I want to give you three tips to leverage other podcasts to reach your goals.


First, you and I need to chat. I want to help you create your podcast strategy.

What are your podcast goals? Are you trying to build your business? Do you simply want to grow your audience to advance your cause?

You can continue to throw things at the wall hoping something sticks. You can waste days and weeks and months going through trial and error trying to find the magic secret to become an overnight success.

Or, you can build a strategy and methodically execute it to reach success.

Which sounds better to you?

Let’s get on a podcast strategy call and build your plan. It’s my gift to you for being a listener to this podcast.

Apply for your call at

On the call, we will build your strategy. Then, I’ll point you toward the direction for your next step. I can’t tell you what that is until we build your plan.

We can’t build your plan until we talk.

Are you ready to take action, or do you want to continue with all the trial and error that got you to this point. You won’t get different results until you take different action. It starts with our podcast strategy call. Apply for your call today at


Let’s talk about three tips to leverage other podcasts to reach your goals.

When you are working to land podcast interviews on other shows, you need to be strategic and intentional. You need to determine what you are trying to accomplish. Then, develop a plan to make that happen.

Developing ways to leverage other podcasts is a great way to grow your audience and build your business.

When you find other podcasters already speaking to your ideal listener, you can leverage that influence to reach your goals. The attention they built can fast track your success.

There are three things to keep in mind when you leverage other podcasts.


First, you need to know the show.

Before you reach out to other podcasts to be interviewed, listen to the show. Know something about the podcast.

A podcaster is going to take your more seriously when you’ve done your homework. They will trust you when you say you can help their audience.

Interviews were not part of my show for about the first 300 episodes. However, I had many people reach out and tell me they would be a great guest for my show back then.

They knew nothing about my show. Therefore, they were quickly ignored.


Next, build your list instead of your audience.

I know this sounds odd. Why wouldn’t you invite people to listen to your show?

If they come to your show, listen and don’t subscribe, you lose them forever.

On the other hand, when they subscribe to your email list for your lead magnet, you can remind them to listen each time you publish an episode until they unsubscribe. You can build the audience through your email list.

When you are interviewed on other shows, give listeners a free gift to get them on your email list.

Use one single, focused call to action. Your only goal is to get them on the list. You can build from there.


Finally, ask for referrals.

At the end of the interview when you’ve delivered amazing content, ask for a referral from the podcast host.

Can the host introduce you to other podcast hosts?

Rather than cold calling hosts to get on their shows, get a warm introduction from hosts who have already had you on their shows.

If each host can introduce you to two other hosts, you will have more interviews than you know what to do with. Your growth will be amazing.

There are your tips. Know the show, build your list and get referrals. You are well on your way to building your strategy.


Agape Garcia does not have a podcast of her own. Instead, she gets interviewed on other podcasts to grow her business.

Over the past 35 years, Ms. Garcia has navigated through domestic violence, privacy, safety, vulnerability, and the mindset to endure personal adverse events in life. She has now dedicated her life in developing transformational programs, various forms of coaching, certification courses and establishing a nonprofit to help real time victims.

On the episode today, we help Agape leverage other podcasts to grow her business.

Enjoy our conversation.


Thanks to Agape Garcia for joining us on the show today.

You can discover more about Agape Garcia at

She works to align your mental and emotional belief system. You can get a 47-Min Emotional Clarity Session with Ms. Garcia at (

Are you ready for your podcast strategy session? Let’s chat.

Take action today to get on my calendar.

If you don’t have a mentor who can take your hand and walk you every step of the way, go to, click the button and apply to have a chat with me. We will develop your plan and see how I can help and support you to achieve your podcast goals.