Attract clients with your podcast

Helping James Attract Clients With His Podcast – PTC 370

When podcasters come to me for coaching, there are two primary struggles. The most common challenges are growing the audience and monetizing the show. Today, we help James and Tina lay the foundation to attract clients to their coaching practice using their podcast.


Before we jump into it, I want to invite you to a powerful event I am holding where I will help you build your podcast monetization strategy. We actually get stuff done in this day-long bootcamp.

So many times, we go to webinars hoping to learn something only to find out it is full of fluff. We might walk away with one or two ideas after an hour. But we are really only there for the sales pitch.

You now have a chance to join me for a 7-hour Podcast Profits Bootcamp where I will take you through the entire process and build your podcast monetization strategy.

During this event, you will discover 6 ways to monetize your show. We will then select the one strategy that is perfect for you. This isn’t one size fits all. It is specific to your podcast.

You can enroll at

You will also get a workbook that will help you stay on track as we develop your strategy. During the bootcamp, we walk through the workbook step-by-step.


We will start with your foundation to ensure you are building on solid ground. Then, we will develop your purpose. I’ll show you why most podcasts don’t make money, so you can avoid those pitfalls.

Many people think ads and sponsorships are the way to make money with your show. That is a myth. It is the worst way. Sponsorships require a very large audience and a lot of sales time. Ads also have a revenue ceiling.

I’ll show you a better way during the Podcast Profits Bootcamp. I won’t just show you, we will build it together. We will discuss the various ways you can monetize your show, and we will pick the strategy that is right for you.

Finally, you will have plenty of time to ask me questions to refine your strategy.

This is so much more than a webinar or workshop. It is a bootcamp where we will actually get things done.

Where most webinars last an hour, this is an all day event. It all happens on Thursday, February 10th


You can save if you register before the end of January. Registration for the Podcast Profits Bootcamp is typically $997. If you get in before January 31st, you can register for only $197 for this 7-hour bootcamp.

You get the bootcamp, your workbook and a guide to show you exactly how to do it. More importantly, you walk away with your monetization strategy for your show.

Right now, you can enroll for $197. Enroll now and secure your spot.

You can enroll at

If you are ready to build your podcast monetization strategy, the Podcast Profits Bootcamp is for you. You’ve spent enough time attending empty webinars and trying to find sponsors. Now is the time to build a real strategy.

Let’s get you registered for the Podcast Profits Bootcamp. Jump in right now at


When you work to grow your audience to lay the foundation to attract clients, there are three things you need to do.

First, figure out how to attract new listeners who are unaware of you.

Second, remind your current listeners to come back.

Finally, be patient.


To monetize your podcast, you need a strategy. Let your content lead to the opportunity to work with you.

Attract clients with the content. Serve your listener.

Use the podcast to build the relationship with your listener. This is how they get to know, like and trust you.

Grow the rapport. Building rapport is 40% of the sales process. Spend quality time here.


The Clarity Sessions with James ‘n’ Tina is a podcast to re-focus and find or regain your clarity. James and Tina help you find your inner strength and focus using some sass, wit, charm, and a little bit of life lessons all mixed up into one delicious batch of audio for your soul.

They are only four episodes into the podcast. Over time, they hope to grow the podcast to attract clients to their coaching practice.

James joins us on the show to help him lay that foundation. Enjoy the conversation.


As you work to attract clients with your podcast, be patient. We are building relationships.

Your relationship with your spouse or best friend didn’t happen in 3 days. These powerful podcast relationships won’t happen overnight either.

Be patient and give it time. When you do, the relationships will be long-term. You will attract clients that are with you for a long, long time.

Come join us for the next Podcast Profits Bootcamp. During this event, we will discover 6 ways to monetize your show. Then, we can select the one strategy that is perfect for you. This isn’t one size fits all. It is specific to your podcast.

You can enroll at

See you there.

If you don’t have a mentor who can take your hand and walk you every step of the way, go to, click the button and apply to have a chat with me. We will develop your plan and see how I can help and support you to achieve your podcast goals.