Rob Kaiser's Family Business

Helping Rob Kaiser Grow The Family Business – PTC 404

Many podcasters want to use their podcast to create an online business. Rob Kaiser wants to use his podcast to help grow his family business that produces hand-crafted products.

York Meadow Farm creates batches of probiotic-rich fermented foods and all-natural bath and body products, scented with pure essential oils. They are sold online and at farmers’ markets. Now, he is ready to take it to the next level.

There are many trainings that help you create online business. The funnels, the landing pages and the process. But, how do you grow a business that sells physical products?


There is a power that comes with surrounding yourself with other powerful minds. Napoleon Hill talked about it in “Think and Grow Rich”. It is the power of the mastermind.

When two or more minds come together, the power they create is unstoppable. If you are working to grow your business, you should find a group of your own.

There are various reasons to join a mastermind group.

Through the collective mind, you will come across ideas and solutions that you would not have found by yourself. If you have ever been in a true brainstorming session, you understand how all ideas (even the bad ones) lead to other ideas.

In a mastermind, you will be able to learn from others’ skills and experiences and expand your own knowledge. Sometimes we don’t know what we don’t know. Others can help you see your blind spots.

By surrounding yourself with others, you will be much more committed to your goals as you openly share them with your peers. You will have accountablility partners.

With this group, you will have a small network of people who are always willing to help you. Being a solopreneur doesn’t necessarily mean you have to go it alone.

There are many other benefits that you will discover once you get into a mastermind.


I met Rob Kaiser in the 48 Days Eagles Community. It is a community made of entrepreneurs, creatives, podcasters and coaches who are looking for resources and connections to help them find or create work they love.

The group has done so much for me that I want to share it with you.

The 48 Days Eagles Community is preseting Eagles Peak Week. It is the perfect time for you to get a “peek” into some of the amazing things that are happening in there.

Dan Miller and the 48 Days Eagles team is giving you a “peek” into the Eagles Community by giving you access to some of their favorite Monday Mentor Trainings.

Within the community, an expert shares their knowledge with the group on a live call called the Monday Mentor Training. They have included …

  • Jesse Cole, Founder of the Savannah Bananas baseball team & Author
  • Brian Dixon, Author of Start With Your People
  • Ruth Soukup, Author of Do It Scared

and a variety of others. You can check them out for free.

It is called “peak week” P-E-A-K instead of “peek week” P-E-E-K because these Monday Mentor Trainings will help you soar above the mountain peaks.


They have an amazing week in store for you, starting Tuesday September 6th. A few of the Eagles’ All- time Favorite Monday Mentor Trainings they will be sharing with you FREE include:

  • The Importance Of Mindset
  • Conquering Your Fears
  • Building Your Business With 15 Hours a Week
  • Finding Your Zone of Genius

You’ll even get access to some of our Eagles Book Studies.

Eagles Peak Week is September 6-9, 2022. Get registered for free at

Dan Miller and the 48 Days Team will send you Monday Mentor Trainings each day during the week. 

You will see how powerful the collective mind can be.


Rob Kaiser has been working to grow the family business with his parents. He has been chatting about it within the 48 Days Eagles community and getting a ton of great feedback.

Rob joins me on the podcast today to discuss his podcast.

He currently runs a hobby podcast called All Around Growth. You can find it at ( The show is focused on goal setting in the 7 important areas of life.

On the other hand, he is working to grow the business and has come to a crossroads with the show.

Today, Rob is trying to determine if his time, effort and energy on his hobby podcast might be better directed towards the growth and development of their family business. Specifically, he wants to know if he should focus on the promotion and development of their online store, which can be found at (

If you are working to grow a business with your podcast, this is the interview for you. Grab a pen and paper. There are definitely a few nuggets you’ll want to jot down and implement in your journey.

Enjoy the interview with Rob Kaiser.


Thanks for Rob Kaiser for joining us today. Such a great guy.

Find his podcast All Around Growth at (

You can find the York Meadow Farm online store at (

48 Days Eagles has been an amazing resource for the both of us. Come join us for Peak Week.

It will be an amazing week of sharing, starting Tuesday September 6th. A few of the Eagles’ All- time Favorite Monday Mentor Trainings will be free for you to view. They will be sharing with you:

  • The Importance Of Mindset
  • Conquering Your Fears
  • Building Your Business With 15 Hours a Week
  • Finding Your Zone of Genius

and more.

Eagles Peak Week is September 6-9, 2022. Get registered for free at That’s P-E-A-K-W-E-E-K.

Dan Miller and the 48 Days Team will send you Monday Mentor Trainings each day during the week. Just sign up for free at

You will see how powerful the collective mind can be.

Next week, we will talk with Marjorie Saulson of Vibrant Vocal Power. She will give you three tips to overcome the nerves and fear of public speaking. That’s next week on the show.

If you would like a coaching call like Rob received, get full details at