Find Time

Helping Ruth Snyder Find Time – Episode 411

Imagine what your business could look like if you spent less time editing and publishing and more time getting and serving clients. How could your business grow if you could invest your editing time into building your business and generating revenue?

Let me show you how.


Your production doesn’t create clients. It’s your content that converts listeners to clients. Spend your time on business drivers.

Let me show you how.


Most gurus teach you about microphones.

Nobody says, “That is such a great podcast – I love her microphone. You should listen.”

Nobody is sharing that podcast.

Gary Vaynerchuk is one of the biggest influencers in the online space. Gary often records his podcast in the back of an Uber in between appointments.

People come to your show because of you and your content.

Don’t spend a lot of time worrying about the tech. Spend your time properly preparing with a purpose and attracting clients.


Most experts want you to remove all the silence gaps and ums.

When you scrub your podcast like this, you make your show sterile. You remove all the human aspect from your content.

It doesn’t give the listener any room to process their thoughts or ponder what you’ve just said. They can’t predict what will happen next. You take all of the anticipation and enjoyment out of the show.

Have you ever watched awards shows where they say, “And the winner is…” That pause and anticipation is what makes the show exciting. American Idol took this to the extreme.

You don’t need to go that far, but leave some space.

Rick Sizemore came to me. He was spending about 8 hours a week creating, editing and publishing his podcast. It was eating his week.

After following these tips, he cut that to a fraction of the time. He now says, “We’ve been able to achieve goals we never imagined possible, with top ratings in our categories in iTunes, downloads beyond our wildest dreams. And an award from a leading organization.”

Stop wasting time on scrubbing your show.


I don’t have time to consistently publish my podcast and repurpose my content.

You need to schedule the time you have. Create a process that will allow you to publish a show consistently, so you can build rapport and relationships with listeners and convert them to clients.

Friends show up consistently.

Schedule your time, repurpose your content and delegate tasks that don’t require your expertise.

To recap, properly plan with purpose. Spend less time worrying about the tech and more on your content.

Create a simlified production process. Stop scrubbing your audio and streamline the process.

Find time to be consistent. Promote your goods and service while delegating the tasks you don’t need to do.


Is it ok if I spend a couple minutes going over a very special offer I created to help you implement this strategy and free up your week to grow your business?

It is called the Podcast Profits Concierge.

I will coach you to create stronger, more compelling content that converts your listeners into clients. And, my team will handle all of your prodution and publishing tasks that you don’t need to be doing to free up your time.

More clients and more time.

Learn all about it at


Ruth Snyder joins us on the show today.

Many entrepreneurs, authors, and coaches struggle with finding paying clients and growing their businesses.

Ruth is an author, book coach, and international speaker.

Her podcast is titled Get Clients, Build Community and this season is called Choices: from Struggle to Strength.

On the show, she shares a mix of tips, interviews, and lessons learned the hard way. If you are looking to expand your business, serve your clients, and build your community, this show is for you.

You can find it at

Ruth is still figuring out how to use the content in the best way. She doesn’t want to throw it out randomly. Instead, she wants to be more intentional with the content.

Ideally, Ruth wants to find more time in her week to spend with her kids. How can we create a business process that creates great content, leads to more clients and frees her time to spend with her family?

That’s what we discuss today. Enjoy my conversation with Ruth Snyder.


I have created a resource to help you implement your strategy and free up your week to grow your business.

It is called the Podcast Profits Concierge.

I will coach you to create stronger, more compelling content that converts your listeners into clients.

And, my team will handle all of your prodution and publishing tasks that you don’t need to be doing to free up your time.

Get more clients and more time.

Learn all about it at


If you don’t have a mentor who can take your hand and walk you every step of the way, go to, click the button and apply to have a chat with me. We will develop your plan and see how I can help and support you to achieve your podcast goals.