How to make money with your podcast

How To Make Money With Your Podcast – PTC 423

So, you want to make money with your podcast. Why?

I know that sounds like a crazy question. Who doesn’t want more money?


Dig a little deeper. What is really driving your desire? What would more money do for your business, your family, your mission and your life?

How could a successful strategy that helps you consistently make money with your show change your life?

Let’s look 5 years down the road. Imagine what you can accomplish in 60 months if you know where you’re going and have a plan to follow.

Can you see it? Can you see how your life is different?

That’s why you want to make money. It isn’t the money. It’s all about the transformation in your life that the money makes possible.

One of my clients told me, “If we are able to generate leads, that is awesome. If we are helping change people’s lives, and they are reaching out to us, that would be a success. Becoming a resource is the goal.”

Money makes the mission possible.

What would that feel like if that transformation came to life 5 years from now? How great would it be to be clear on your actions and relieving all that stress?

You know you have the expertise to change lives. Your success is just a matter of getting in front of your ideal clients. That is the power of an effective podcast strategy.

I’m going to show you the four steps to make money with your podcast. If you are struggling, your strategy probably has a hole in one of these areas.


Let me offer you some help buiding, fixing and implementing your strategy to make money with your podcast.

Enrollment for my Podcast Profits Accelerator is open.

This group coaching program will help you identify the holes in your monetization strategy. Then, it will help you implement your strategy effectively.

Are you ready to get serious about growing your podcast?

I created “The Podcast Profits Accelerator” the leverage the power of the mastermind.

The group is designed to help you build and implement your audience growth and podcast monetization strategy combining my 35 years in radio, my decade helping podcasters, and the power of the collective group.

In this program, you will…

  • Grow your audience, increase your downloads and add subscribers to your podcast
  • Leverage your audience and authority in your niche to make money your show
  • Build a strategy that will attract your ideal clients on a consistent basis


In the Podcast Profits Accelerator you get:

  • 2 live, online group calls each month with Erik K. Johnson to grow and monetize my podcast ($2,328 Annual Value)
  • Access to the recordings of the live, online group calls with Erik K. Johnson to revisit anytime you would like ($1,497 Annual Value)
  • Access to the full Podcast Profits video library to help you build your monetization strategy ($1,997 value)
  • Invitations to all Podcast Profits Bootcamps and Workshops ($5,964 Annual value)
  • Access to Podcast Profits Accelerator Support Group to ask your questions and get feedback and support to successfully create a profitable podcast ($997 Annual Value)
  • Access to a comprehensive toolkit containing worksheets, templates, checklists and other tools to show you how to organize your audience growth blueprint, execute your monetization plan in just a few minutes a day, and massively increase your downloads. ($497 Annual Value)
  • An onboarding call to walk you through the entire membership to ensure you hit the ground running. ($397 Value)

Total value: $13,677.


I also want to give you a few bonuses to make it even easier.

  • Bonus #1: Audience Explosion Blueprint course ($997 retail value)

Audience Explosion Blueprint is a 6-week program with live calls, an online portal with templates and worksheets, membership in a private group, and another one-on-one call with me.

The course is designed to grow your audience in 6 weeks or less. This program has a value over $6,000. You get it for free and my gift.

If you don’t have a podcast yet, let’s get you started.

  • Bonus #2: Podcast Fast Blueprint course ($997 retail Value)

As a bonus, you will get my Podcast Fast Blueprint program to launch your podcast in 30 days. I walk you step-by-step to your launch your show.

The Podcast Fast Blueprint program is a 6-week program with live calls, an online portal with templates and worksheets, membership in a private group, and another one-on-one call with me. This has a value over $6,000. You get it for free and my gift.

One more bonus for you. What if you go through Podcast Fast Blueprint, Audience Explosion Blueprint, the Podcast Profits Accelerator calls and the Podcast Profits Accelerator portal, but you still have questions unique to your situation? Let me give you more help.

  • Bonus #3: A one-on-one call with Erik K. Johnson

You can enroll today at


There are a few things you need to remember when you are working to make money with your podcast.

First, you make money WITH your podcast and not FROM your podcast. Your podcast isn’t a revenue generator.

Instead of ads and sponsorships, make money with your podcast by promoting your products, your services, or affiliate products and services.

Next, don’t only sell. If you are only selling on your podcast and not building rapport and relationships, or worse yet you have no client strategy at all, you’re are wasting your time.

Only 3% of your market is buying today.

A fraction of your target market is actively looking to make a purchase right now.

Another 7% could possibly be convinced they need it now.

For 10% of your audience, the time isn’t right.

The next 10% don’t believe they need it based on the info the currently have. They need more education.

Your final 10% may never buy. They may be a user of different brand or have different needs.

If you are spending all of your time closing, you are missing 97% of your target market.

Even you convince that 7% that could be sold, 90% of your audience isn’t looking to buy right now. You are missing a huge opportunity.


There are four steps to make money your podcast. If you are not monetizing your show, you probably have a hole in one of these four areas.

First, what are you selling?

To make money with your podcast, you need to have something to sell.

Mary Elaine is host of Caregiver Cast. She helps women who are trying to care for their family and their aging parent at the same time.

When Mary Elaine came to me for coaching, she had a conference. However, she had no offer coming from it.

She was getting her audience to an amazing conference, but it ended there. To help her make money with her podcast, we built a membership and coaching program.

Mary Elaine now leads people from her podcast to the conference and into the membership.

Have something to sell.


Once you have something to sell, the next step getting people to buy.

Where do your sales conversations happen? Where do you make your offer?

TaVona Denise is the host of Conversations With TaVona Denise. She helps women entrepreneurs launch their next big thing.

After we launched her podcast, she began using it to invite women to her events.

TaVona recently used an episode to promote a summit she was hosting. She told me she believes the reason the summit was such a big success, was because she used the podcast to promote it.

Where Mary Elaine is having sales conversations at her conference, TaVona is having sales conversations at her summit.

Conversations can happen anywhere. You just need a strategy.

TaVona told me that the one thing she loved most about working with me is how organized the program is. It isn’t a haphazard, thrown-together coaching program. You learn things in a step-by-step format.


If you have something to sell and you know where your sales conversations happen, your hole may be getting people to show up.

That is step three. How are you getting people to your sales conversation?

Rocky Lalvani is the host of Profit Answer Man. He is an amazing business coach trained in Mike Michalowicz’s Profit First system.

To get people to his sales conversation, Rocky has a great website at He offers two free chapters of Mike’s book and a free, 15 minute phone call to learn about how putting profit first can make a difference in your business.

The free chapters of the book lead people to the website where he registers entrepreneurs for the free call.

Rocky says, “While most people focus on equipment Erik focuses on the listener and how you can serve them. Most podcasters miss this essential part of the process.”

That’s the key. Serve people. Help them solve a problem. Get them to your sales conversation.


Once you’ve shored up the first three holes, what content are you creating to build relationships and create demand for that conversation?

Scott & Holly Stoner host the Wellness Compass Podcast. They have an amazing foundation. Their goal is to provide insights on how to navigate our lives and our relationships with greater awareness and intention.

The two came to me to help connect the podcast to the Wellness Compass Initiative.

They hired me before they launched their podcast, because they knew I could steer them toward success from the first episode, which is exactly what we did.

We worked to build the podcast on a solid foundation that created content leading their listener to their resources.

The show is built on content that creates a desire for their free resources. Those resources lead to their programs.

You need a process.


If you are struggling to make money with your podcast, your strategy probably has a hole in one of these areas. Tighten up your strategy.

Money makes the mission possible.

You know you have the expertise to change lives. Adding money to your plan is like pouring gas on the fire.

Your success is just a matter of getting in front of more of your ideal clients.

When you build an effective podcast strategy, you attract the right people who want your help to transform their lives.

What would it feel like if that transformation came to life for you and your podcast?

Imagine how it would reduce all that stress, remove the struggles trying to determine what to do next, and consistenly attracting your ideal clients and making money with your show.


Come join us and implement your powerful strategy.

The Podcast Profits Accelerator coaching program will help you identify the holes in your monetization strategy. Then, it will help you implement your strategy effectively to make money with your podcast and leave your mark on the world.

Are you ready to get serious about growing your podcast?

The group is designed to help you build and implement your audience growth and podcast monetization strategy combining my 35 years in radio, my decade helping podcasters, and the power of the collective group.

In this program, you will…

  • Grow your audience, increase your downloads and add subscribers to your podcast
  • Leverage your audience and authority in your niche to make money your show
  • Build a strategy that will attract your ideal clients on a consistent basis

Get all the details at

I look forward to seeing you on our next call.