Target Listener

How To Use Your Podcast Avatar – Episode 238

So many gurus tell you to create your podcast avatar. They might even tell you how to define your target listener. However, very few teach you how to use that podcast avatar once you have it created.


Why do we create an avatar or ideal listener?

Dave Jackson and I do a podcast together called “The Podcast Review Show“. Podcasters join us on the show to have their podcast reviewed. It is basically a coaching session with the two of us for 60 to 90 minutes. If you would like to be on the show with us, visit

We were talking to two engineers the other day reviewing their show. We asked them about their target listener. They are like most podcasters. They said, “Our show is really for everyone.”

I realize you want a large audience. I know you want to get as many listeners you want without alienating anyone. However, your show cannot be for everyone.

These two create a show that highlights engineers, mostly civil, and the great work they do. The content and discussion is great.

Is their engineering show for 12-year-old girls who love ballet? Is it right for 60-year-old guy who sells newspaper advertising? Would 33-year-old professional athletes be interested in it? Maybe, but probably not.

As we talked, we determined the show is probably for a 20-year-old university student who is trying to define her path through the industry. This doesn’t mean 45-year-old executives wouldn’t be interested in the fascinating conversation. This simply means we are creating content custom designed for the college student.

When we focus the content, the guy that is 45 still enjoys the conversation. However, the college student gets so much more out of it, because we are answering the questions he is asking. We are giving him exactly what he needs. The show means something to him.


One of the Podcast Talent Coach worksheets available to your for free is the Listener Development Worksheet. This tool will help you develop your avatar to make your show more powerful and create more engagement.

With a podcast avatar that is clearly defined, we are discussing his wants & needs. The stories we tell and details we share are relevant to him. The desires of your podcast avatar create a filter that will help you decide what examples to include.

To help you define your podcast avatar, get my free Listener Development Worksheet. By completing it, you will have a clear picture of your ideal listener. Download it for free online at


I really started understanding target listener when I read a study by Arbitron (the radio ratings service) and Joint Communications (a radio consulting firm). The study was called “What Women Want: Five Secrets To Better Ratings”.

This study really got into the differences between men and women. The interviews revealed the reasons women spend time with radio. The reasons were very radio-centric and don’t really apply to you.

What is relevant is the differences between the genders. When I realized there were variances between listeners, I understood the importance of really defining the ideal listener. Who is that one, ideal person we hope to attract to our content?

When we began developing the ideal listener, when then learned the more we focused on the ideal listener, the more our overall audience grew. This even included the listeners that didn’t necessarily fit the ideal mold.

Our content became better focused and relevant. It was a turning point for me.

The target listener of our radio station helped us decide what music to play. It shaped the contests we did. Our ideal listener helped determine who to hire to be on the air and what content should be included. It was a filter for everything we did on the radio.


People want to feel part of the discussion and not like they are sitting in a lecture.

How do you create that atmosphere on your podcast?

First, download the Listener Development Worksheet at Then, let’s have a discussion about your show.

Take advantage of my free podcast strategy call. I can help you define your podcast avatar, your target listener. We can then develop a strategy to reach your goals.

Your strategy call is free. No strings attached. Visit

Let’s turn your information into engaging entertainment.

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Thanks for the follow up podcast! This is so perfectly timed. Can’t wait to work through the worksheet.

    • This will help your show a ton. You have great content. Refine it a little and it will be so much more engaging. Have fun with it.


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