Reclaim your time

Kathi Burns – Get Your Time Back – PTC 508


As you produce your podcast each week, how do you get your time back?

I’ve invited Kathi Burns on this episode to help you with your productivity and organization. She is a board certified professional organizer.

Your time is something you can never get back. It’s important that you use it as wisely as possible.

I want to see you spending your time building your business and working with your clients. When you spend more of your time than necessary producing your podcast, you business suffers.


You may think you can save money producing your podcast yourself. Let’s take a look at what that costs you.

There are a variety of things you need to do to publish an episode. As an example, we’ll say you need to edit your audio, export it as an .mp3, edit your video, export it to file, create your show notes, create your podcast artwork, create your YouTube thumbnail, create a couple audiograms to promote the episode, upload the episode and artwork to your podcast host, and upload your video and thumbnail to YouTube.

How long will that take you? I’m guessing 90 minutes to two hours. Let’s go with 90 minutes.

If you spent 90 minutes of your time hosting a webinar, how many sales could you make? What if you spent 90 minutes on sales calls. What is one coaching client worth to you in lifetime value?

In our example, let’s say you sell a $2,000 coaching package. Wouldn’t it make more sense to spend $200 to have the production done for you so you could spend your time on sales calls instead of editing?

Even if you only close one out of every four sales calls, you’re spending $800 to free your time for four sales calls to generate $2,000 in revenue.

This is how you leverage your time.

This is possible. You can see my basic editing package as an example. See your editing options at


Now if you’re going to spend those 90 minutes watching television instead of pursuing business, keep editing your own show.

But if you’re going to leverage your time, make it count.

The best way to do this is being organized. Plan your week. Plan your day. Batch your tasks.

Get focused on what you want to accomplish, so you know where to spend your time.

When I create this podcast, I take many of my summit interviews and use them as episodes of the podcast. I record 24 interviews in 3 days. That’s nearly half a year of episodes.

As I create my daily emails, I write the entire week on the same day. I get my mind in my connection and relationship mode to write great content and connect with my tribe.

What tasks are you doing every day or every week that you can group together to save more of your time?


These are just a few examples. My guest has many more ideas for your time.

Kathi Burns, CPO® is a Board Certified Professional Organizer, Image Consultant, author and speaker.

As the founder of, her mission for almost two decades has been to end overwhelm, energize, and transform lives by creating systems clients can stick to.

Kathi is nationally recognized for her simple organizing and style solutions. She has also been featured on Good Morning America as a successful woman-owned business. She hosts Organized and Energized! The Podcast.

Kathi is here to help you spend your time more efficiently.

Enjoy my conversation with Kathi Burns.

Big thanks to Kathi Burns for taking some of her time to join us today.

You can get Kathi’s checklist at

To attend her Get Gone masterclass on October 8th, you can get registered at


If you don’t have a mentor who can take your hand and walk you every step of the way, go to, click the button and apply to have a chat with me. We will develop your plan and see how I can help and support you to achieve your podcast goals.