How to host a successful podcast

Keys To Hosting A Successful Podcast – PTC 454


Creating a successful podcast isn’t difficult. You simply need to know where to look and the proper steps to take.

There is a stat that bounces around the podcasting industry that says most podcasts fade away after 7 episodes. It’s called podfading.

I thought the number was exaggerated until I was on a coaching call one day.


Mary Elaine and I were discussing ways to land interviews on other shows to grow her audience.

One of the steps in the process is to ensure the podcast is still actively publishing new episodes. The last thing you want to do is ask for an interview on a show that hasn’t published a new episode in two years.

Mary Elaine helps people who are caregivers typically for their elderly parents. She has a great show called Caregiver Cast.

To give her an example of the right shows to find, I opened Apple Podcasts and searched Caregiver.

The top few had solid downloads and appeared to be successful podcasts.

I did the search again this week to give you a real world example. Here are a few that I found this week.


The Caregiver Cup Podcast by Cathy VandenHeuvel has 176 episodes. She just published an episode this week. That’s great.

The Happy Healthy Caregiver by Elizabeth Miller has 172 episodes. She also published an episode this week. That’s solid.

The Caregiver Life by Mary Hahn Ward has 70 episodes. Her last episode was published on May 24, 2023. However, the prior episode was published on May 1, 2022.

Then we get into the podcasts that have faded into the night.

The Purposeful Caregiver with Emily Reilly and Devon Turnbull has 1 trailer and 10 episodes published. All of these episodes were published in a batch on March 27. So, I’m not sure if they are still active.

Caregiver Wellness Podcast for Alzheimer’s and Other Dementias with Melissa Wilkinson has 24 episodes. She hasn’t published since September 25, 2022.

The Caregiver Lifehacks from OffScript Health only published 4 episodes. The last one was November 15, 2021.

Caregiver Storyteller has 17 episodes. The most recent is June 10, 2019.

The Senior Caregiver Podcast has 8 episodes. It hasn’t published since November 15, 2019.

Caregiver Talk Live with Kim Shea released 4 Episodes back in May of 2016.

The AE Caregiver Series – 7 episodes in March 2022.

Family Caregiver has 5 episodes in 2018.

The Caregivers Lounge put out 10 episodes back in September 2020.

The Caregivers Corner – 6 episodes. Creative Caregivers Podcast 10 episode. Caregiver’s Best Friend – 4 episodes.

It goes on and on.


It’s not just with niche podcasts either. I wanted to get into business podcasts to see if it held true for one of the big 3 niches – health, wealth and relationships.

So, I searched Launch Pad to see if I could niche down in starting a business.

I found the same thing.

Launch Pad from Penn Wharton Entrepreneurship has 180 episodes. However, it was last published July 7, 2022.

Launchpad from YPP Project has published 1 trailer and 3 episodes. The last episode was published Jan 29, 2021.

Launchpad from Launchpad has 1 episode. It came out on July 30, 2023. So, it appears this is a new podcast. We’ll see how long it lasts.

The Launch Pad Space Podcast by Paul Ring has 25 episodes. Most recent episodes were released on June 6, April 10 and Feb 20. So, I’m not sure of the status here.

The Social Launch Pad with Qiana Tompkins has posted 1 trailer and 1 episode. They came out on July 27, 2023. Not sure if this is active.

Finally, The Launch Podcast by The Launch Pad has published 12 episodes. No new episodes have been released since March 21, 2021.

Podcasters simply don’t have a plan to create a successful podcast. They launch the show and then ask, “Ok, now what?”


To be sustainable and successful, you need a system.

There are three reasons podcasters give up on their show and fade away.

First, the podcast is more work than they expected.

Next, the podcast doesn’t grow as fast as they expected it to.

Finally, the show isn’t making money as fast as they would like.

Does this sound familiar?

There are easy solutions to each of these challenges. When they launch their podcast, many coaches don’t know what they don’t know.

Let me show you how to quickly and easily overcome these roadblocks, so you can create a successful podcast.


First, the podcast is more work than you expected it to be.

I get that. Creating a podcast takes time and effort. However, there are many ways to reduce the time and effort to make it more efficient for you.

Podcasters who fade away have no process to make it efficient. They haven’t created a workflow.

If you’re doing an interview show, batch your work. Interview 3 people in a block of time.

Repurpose your content. If you host a summit, use the summit interviews for your podcast.

Keep your work parts, like your show open and sound effects, in a folder that is easy to find. Use templates where possible.

You can always work with a third party to do a lot of the dirty work for you. See to see what that would look like.

Spend your time in your zone of genius. Farm out the rest of the work to others.


Next, podcasts fade away because the audience doesn’t grow as fast as they expected.

Podcasters who fade away have no strategy to grow their audience and fill it with ideal clients. They also lack patience.

Russell Brunson from ClickFunnels said he was lucky that he didn’t know how to check his stats for the first year of his show. Otherwise, he probably would have given up.

To grow your show, you need to find new listeners who are unaware of you. What are you doing to get in front of new people?

These aren’t people already on your email list on following you on social media. You need people who have never heard of you.

Find them and invite them into your world.

You also need to focus on quality over quantity. Having 200 people who love what you do and buy what you offer is much more valuable than 2,000 people who are simply curious.

Committed is much more important than curious. Find those that are committed and super-serve them.


Finally, podcasts fade away because the podcast is not making money as fast as the coach would like.

Simply put, podcasters who fade away have no profit strategy.

You need a framework that will create great content that leads to a lead magnet or some other starting strategy to build rapport.

That lead magnet should make your prospect aware of an even bigger problem. It should then invite your listener to a sales conversation.

This might be a webinar, long-form sales video, discovery call or some other offer.

Don’t create content just for the sake of creating content. Have a purpose.

This includes your interviews. How will your interview lead people to your lead magnet and sales conversation?

It is an art that can be learned. Start with the end in mind and build in reverse.


When you can conquer these three challenges, you’ll create a successful podcast that will help grow your coaching business.

Build an efficient process that will help you create your episode in one hour a week. Make it easy on yourself.

Next, have a system that will methodically put you in front of new listeners. Invite them into your world. Spend 15 minutes a day growing your audience.

Finally, build your podcast profit framework so your content has a purpose and you can monetize your show.

The podcast is an amazing way to market your business when you build in the right way. Stop beating your head against the wall and create the framework that will systematically bring in clients.

If you are struggling with any of these three challenges, let me help. You can take advantage of my free podcast strategy call.

You and I can sit down and build your roadmap to free up your time, reach your goals, and create a successful podcast.

If you don’t have a mentor who can take your hand and walk you every step of the way, go to, click the button and apply to have a chat with me.

We will develop your plan and see how I can help and support you to achieve your podcast goals.