Podcast Habit

Make Your Podcast A Habit – Episode 375

People are creatures of habit. If you can make your podcast a habit for your listeners, you have the potential to see real growth in your downloads. You can then leverage that attention to grow your business and generate more revenue.


Before we get started, I would love to answer your questions. You have two ways to get your questions answered here on the show.

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Or, you can simply send me a question in audio form. I’ll play it here and answer your question. Much shorter and easier. However, you don’t get to ask your questions or get the coaching. If you would prefer that method, record your question and email it to me atcoach@podcasttalentcoach.com.

Let’s talk about making your podcast a habit for your listener.


In radio, listeners would tell us they spend every morning with our morning show. It was part of their morning routine.

I started in radio in 1988. Rough math, I’ve done over 33,000 hours of radio. In that time, I’ve learned what drives listening. I’ve learned by trial & error, by attending conferences and by receiving coaching from some of the best in the business. Let me share a little of that with you.

On a morning show, you will hear segments internally called benchmarks. These are content elements that happen at the same time everyday. That’s how they get the name benchmark.

Some shows would air news right at the top of the hour. You might hear the contest at 7:20. On our country station, the show would do Joke of the Day every morning at 7:50.

When we were out at appearances, we would have listeners come up to us and explain how they listened everyday and describe what they love about the station.

One day, a lady was explaining how she and her kids listened every morning on the way to school. This wasn’t uncommon. What she said next really opened our eyes.

She told us that she and her kids loved the show and always played along with the games. Then she said, “We know if we get to the stop sign coming out of our neighborhood before Joke of the Day comes on, we know we will be to school on time.”

That family listens everyday, because that Joke of the Day benchmark has become part of their lives. The show has become a habit.

How can you turn your show into a habit, so your listener listens every week on the way to church or every week while they are cleaning the house?


There are 7 things you can do to become part of your listener’s life.

First, grab the attention of your listener right at the start of the show.

Many podcasters like to start with a cold open. This is where the content begins before the standard show intro. The host gives a little content prior to the prerecorded show open kicks in.

A cold open can be a powerful way to get your listener right into the content. But, you need to use it properly. There are two mistakes many podcasters make when using a cold open.

The first mistake with cold opens is the length. If the length of your cold open is too long, new listeners will be lost. Listeners who haven’t consumed your podcast for awhile may not remember why they are here.

A cold open should pique the interest of your listener. The purpose of the cold open is to hook the listener and get them to stay for the entire episode.

The other mistake podcasters make with the cold open is forgetting the new listener. Many cold opens are not structured to be inviting. There are terms or comments that regular listeners may understand, but new listener don’t get at all.

When this happens, you run the risk of turning off new listeners. They may feel lost. If that happens, your new listener is leaving.

Instead, make the cold open brief and compelling. Open the loop and get your listener to stick around to close it.


The next way to become part of your listener’s life is to be real. By being authentic, you begin to form a relationship with your listener.

People listen to podcasts for companionship. They want you to keep them company while they are doing other things, like exercising or driving.

If you are slick or salesy, you’ll turn off the listener. When you are real, you create true connections.

Share a bit of your life. Connect by being authentic.


The next way is to connect through story. If you want to create meaningful friendships with your listener, tell stories.

Friendships are developed through self revelation. The more you reveal about yourself through your stories, the stronger the connection becomes.

Your stories tell your listeners what you value and believe. When you share details in your stories, your listener learns how you operate and how you treat people. The listener decides if they like and trust you.

Friendships help encourage your listener to spend time with you every week. Your stories develop friendships and help make your podcast a habit.


You podcast also becomes habit when you evoke emotion in your listener.

Emotion is powerful. Sharing facts and information is bland. People can find information anywhere.

When you stir emotion, your listener truly become involved. Emotion makes your listener care. When they care, they come back time and time again.


Habit can also created by making your podcast sharable. Encourage your listener to share you podcast with others.

When your listener is telling others about your show, they want to listen more to stay congruent. People do not want to say one thing and do another. Psychologically, they want to be congruent by doing what they say.

Therefore when you listener tells others about listening to your show, they feel the need to listen themselves. Get listeners to share.


Sharing brings us to the next key and that is the benefit. Provide a benefit for the listener.

If listeners are going to share the show, a why needs to exist. Your listener will rarely share the show just because it has good content. You need to include a benefit. How is your listener different when the show is over?

Your listener will share a benefit more than information. They may say, “If you want to build a sales funnel, you should listen to this show.” They will be much more likely to say, “If you want to double your revenue, you need to listen to this show.”

How to build a funnel is information. Doubling your revenue is a benefit. Be sure you make your benefit clear.

The benefit of this episode is growing your audience, so you can leverage the attention to grow your business. It is not about creating better content.


Finally, make it easy to subscribe to your podcast. Put the platform badges on your website.

These badges are the little icons to the podcast players like Apple Podcasts. When you have the links on your website, listeners can easily click and subscribe. When they subscribe, they are reminded of new episodes by the platform.

These badges should link to Apple PodcastsSpotify, and Google Podcasts. Those are the big three. You can then include others you are on such as Audible, Stitcher, TuneIn, iHeartRadio or any of the others.


Start this week with your content. As you prepare for the podcast, ask yourself how you might refine the content to begin creating habit with your listener.

Where might you tell a story? How can you stir emotion? Are you making the benefit of the episode clear?

Start there. Before you know it, you will be a habit for your listener and part of their weekly routine.

If you don’t have a mentor who can take your hand and walk you every step of the way, go to www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/apply, click the button and apply to have a chat with me. We will develop your plan and see how I can help and support you to achieve your podcast goals.