Overcoming Your Fears with Michael Devous Jr.

Overcoming Your Fear – PTC 516

We talk a lot about attracting your ideal clients by being your authentic self on your podcast. But, how do you overcome your fear of being so vulnerable?


Self doubt is not uncommon.

When I have strategy calls with podcasters, we discuss their biggest challenges and fears.

One coach asked me, “Do I really have anything of value to offer? Will anyone listen even listen to what I have to say?”

There are probably times when you have that little voice in your head questioning your ideas. I get it.

It takes courage to overcome those fears.

There are six other fears I hear quite often


The first fear is making an impact. I had a coach tell me he often questions himself. He asked, “Is this making a difference in anyone’s life?”

Building relationships with your audience is the first step to making an impact.

People follow those with whom they have a relationship. And relationships start with getting to know each other well. Share your story.


Another fear is wasting time.

I was talking with Mike about launching her podcast. When I asked what was holding him back, she asked me, “What if it doesn’t work? It would be a lot of time and money wasted.”

Be clear on your purpose and your goals. You also need to be realistic on the timeline.

You don’t need tens of thousands of people listening. Success only requires having a passionate audience that loves what you have.

You don’t need everyone. Success comes with a passionate tribe. Ignore the rest.


One coach told me, “I’m more worried about being seen as a fraud.”

This fear often comes from how we perceive ourselves rather than how others perceive us.

Your success isn’t about your content. It’s about who you are being on your podcast.

When you speak with confidence, you’re seen as an authority. But when you doubt yourself, you are seen as unsure and less believable.

This is when people start to doubt you. It comes from doubting yourself.

Believe in yourself. Be strong.


One common fear people tell me is, “Who am I that these people would want to talk to me?”

This comes because we often forget what it was like when we didn’t know what we know now.

Think back when you first started down your journey. Go back to the time when you decided to learn about your superpower.

Did you know how to do everything you know now? Of course not. You barely knew where to start.

Over the years, you learned from the best. You learned all the details.

Remember when you first started out and you looked at the experts in your niche with amazement? You were asking, “How do they do that? It will be so great when I’m where they are.”

Today, it is all second nature to you.

But there are people who are starting where you started years ago. Those are the people who are ready to listen to you.

You are also influential enough that great guests want to be on your show. Everybody loves exposure. You just need to reach out.


One other big fear that I hear often is the fear of failure.

When I asked about her biggest fear, Denise told me, “I fear that I will fail. That I will be one of the 80% that lets the podcast die out.”

Podfading is a real threat. There are three reasons podcasters give up and die out.

The first reason happens when they realize podcasting is more work than they thought it was going to be. They don’t have a plan in place to consistently produce the show every week without eating all their time.

The second reason happens when they realize the podcast doesn’t grow as fast as they thought it would. They don’t have a system in place to methodically grow their audience.

The final reason happens when they realize the podcast doesn’t generate revenue as fast as they thought it would. They don’t have a strategy in place to use the podcast to attract their ideal clients.


The last fear I want to share is one often overlooked.

There is a fear on the other side of the coin. This is one that many don’t consider.

Kris and I were discussing her podcast launch. As we were getting ready to go through the process, I asked about her biggest fear.

She said she had a fear of success. Kris said, “If I grow too far too fast, I’m afraid I won’t be able to handle it mentally or physically.”

It’s easy to sit in the preparation phase. You can’t fail while you’re preparing. The risk comes when you actually launch in life.

Many people are hesitant to admit the fear of success is holding them back.

Take the first step. Lean into your superpower and see what happens.


On this episode, I want to share a conversation I had with Michael Devous Jr.

Michael is a dynamic force in the world of entrepreneurship and personal development. With over three decades of experience in the entertainment industry, he has honed his skills as a performer, producer, and motivational speaker.

His journey, marked by resilience and transformation, has led him to inspire others to harness fear and achieve their dreams.

As the founder of Devous Media Holdings and the visionary behind “The Fearless Road” and “Fearless Thinking” podcasts, as well as The Ascend Hub community, Michael is dedicated to providing entrepreneurs with the tools, resources, and connections they need to thrive.

During this conversation, we talk about overcoming your fears and learning to believe in yourself.

Enjoy the conversation.

Get Michael’s gift “The Fearless Road Quiz: Unveiling Your Inner Compass” at



If you don’t have a mentor who can take your hand and walk you every step of the way, go to www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/apply, click the button and apply to have a chat with me. We will develop your plan and see how I can help and support you to achieve your podcast goals.