The Power of Storytelling

Unlock the Power of Storytelling in Business – PTC 536

Storytelling is a powerful way to create relationships with your audience. Your stories allow your audience to get to know you. STORYTELLING BY THE BEST The best speakers in the world use powerful storytelling. Zig Ziglar always used great stories in every point he made. He was a master at storytelling. If you’ve listened to…
Increase Your Significance With Relationships

Grow Your Significance – PTC 535

Why do you want a podcast? I’m pretty sure you don’t want a podcast just to have a podcast. You want influence and authority. You want significance. SIGNIFICANCE AND COMPANIONSHIP It’s not about what you’re saying. It is about who you’re being when you’re saying it. Your significance comes from who you are, not what…
How To Convert Your Podcast Into A Book

Converting Your Podcast Into A Book – PTC 534

You spend so much time creating your content every week, maximize your time by repurposing your content. One powerful way to repurpose is by converting your podcast into a book. Each week you create great show notes. Those show notes can be organized into a book. THE POWER OF CONVERTING A PODCAST INTO A BOOK…
Solve Your Podcast Struggle

Overcoming Your Podcast Struggle – PTC 533

What is your biggest podcast struggle? On this episode, we are going to help a handful of podcasters overcome their biggest challenge. GET HELP WITH YOUR STRUGGLE If you are struggling somewhere in your podcast process, shoot me an email. That might be getting started, growing your audience, maintaining consistency, generating revenue or something else.…