How to make money with your podcast

How To Make Money With Your Podcast – PTC 423

So, you want to make money with your podcast. Why? I know that sounds like a crazy question. Who doesn’t want more money? YOUR WHY Dig a little deeper. What is really driving your desire? What would more money do for your business, your family, your mission and your life? How could a successful strategy…
Answering podcast questions

Paying Guests? And More Podcast Questions – PTC 422

I recently held an “ask me anything” session to answer your podcast questions. And, you didn’t let me down. So many great questions. On this episode, I want to share that session with you. Here are a few of the questions we answer. RERELEASING? I’ve recently seen podcasts rereleasing old episodes. Is this a good…
Book Bakery

The Book Baker Jennifer Harshman – PTC 421

Writing a book using your podcast is a great opportunity to grow your influence and share your message. You are creating pages of content every week with your show that can be easily repurposed into a book. LAUNCH If you haven’t launched your podcast yet, my next workshop will help you launch in 30 days.…
Results of an amazing year

An Amazing Year – PTC 420

It was an amazing year for Podcast Talent Coach. And, I want to thank you for all of the support. It is my hope that this show and my content helped you reach a few of your goals. It is important that we take time to reflect on the great things in our lives. While…
How To Grow Your Audience

Grow Your Audience In 6 Weeks Or Less – PTC 419

There are two thing you need to do to grow your audience. First, get in front of new people who don’t know you, and invite them to your show. Then, keep your listeners coming back week after week. Before you get started building your audience, you need to understand why you want to grow in…