Connect Content to Clients

Connecting Content To Clients – PTC 367

If you are trying to monetize your podcast, you need to figure out how to connect your content to your clients and customers. There needs to be a path that naturally leads to the relationship. Your podcast is a perfect way to build that relationship. The content and stories you share allow your listeners to…
Using Sound

Creatively Using Sound – PTC 366

Imagination. It is the wonderful result of recorded audio. On your podcast, it comes from creatively using sound. When you listen to the radio, podcasts, audiobooks or other recorded audio, the imagination is in full motion. Your imagination belongs to you and you alone. You have full control. Your imagination is unlike any other. Your…
Making listeners go away

Driving Listeners Away – PTC 365

You work so hard to attract listeners to your podcast. Growing the audience is a constant challenge for most podcasters. You do all you can to bring more people to the party. Are you sure you are not driving listeners away? The most common questions I get are around growing an audience. But that is…
Affiliate partnerships

Affiliate Deals the Right Way – PTC 364

Affiliate relationships are a powerful way to monetize your podcast. As you incorporate these deals into your show, you need to do it properly to win big and stay out of trouble. As a full disclosure, let me start by saying I am not offering financial or legal advice. This is information I’ve collected over…
Define your goal

Your Episode Goal – PTC 363

You must know where you’re going before you can actually get there. That statement is true with a road trip and it is also true with your podcast. When you set out to record a show, you must have an episode goal in mind. Once you’ve determined what you hope to accomplish, you can then…