Coaching business

Grow Your Coaching Business With Bill Pratt – PTC 347

If you share your info and expertise on your podcast, coaching is a great way to turn your podcast into a coaching business. To be a successful coach, you need to be able to get your clients from point A to point B. People pay coaches who can create a transformation in their lives. The…
Podcast Into A Book

Turn Your Podcast Into A Book – PTC 346

If you are like me, you have been working diligently on your podcast, writing your show notes and sharing your content. You now have a stack of episodes sitting there getting the occasional download. Have you ever thought that you could turn your podcast into a book? Repurposing your content across various platforms allows you…
Interview or Solo format?

Interview Or Solo Show? – PTC 345

As you create your podcast, is it better to do an interview or a solo show? You might consider co-hosts. Should you have segment contributors? It all comes down to preference. There are benefits and drawbacks to each. We will cover those today.  INTERVIEW QUESTIONS If you perform an interview on your show, you need…
Launch example

Podcast Launch Case Study – PTC 344

When you go through a podcast launch, there are pitfalls to avoid. Creating a strategy for your show early is a critical piece to ensure your podcast helps attract your ideal clients and drives your business. On this episode, I want to take you through a launch case study to help you discover a few…
Content Strategy

Podcast Content Strategy – PTC 343

If you hope to use your podcast to grow your business, you need a podcast content strategy. Randomly creating shows will get you random results. Define your goal. Develop the plan to get there. Then focus. TRAINING I will be holding a free training called “How To Make Money With A Free Podcast … Without…