Podcast JV

Unique Podcast JV Approach – PTC 333

One way to monetize your podcast is through joint venture or JV partnerships. When partners help each others grow and market, your audience and business can rapidly hit new levels. A joint venture in business is different than a JV partnership in online marketing and business. THE JV DIFFERENCE In business, a joint venture is…
Growth Challenges

Overcoming 3 Podcast Growth Challenges – PTC 332

Podcast growth isn’t some secret, but it comes with challenges. I realize many podcast gurus tell you they have the magic formula. It isn’t magic. Growth is a method. There are two ways to grow your downloads. Get more people to listen. Or, get people to listen more. There are three challenges podcasters face when…
Powerful interviews

Interview Secrets – PTC 331

This week many listeners sent me their questions when it comes to creating a great interview. On this episode, you’ll get those answers to make your podcast interview more powerful and engaging. Here is the first question. I need help with getting interviews, when I send invites I don’t get any response. – Stephen Aiken…
Grow Your Business

[CASE STUDY] How A Hockey Podcast Drives Business – PTC 330

The key to monetizing your podcast and building your business is determining exactly what your audience wants. Monetization is not built by getting your audience to buy what you have to sell. It is all about offering exactly what they want and are willing and able to pay to acquire. One of the most difficult…
Launch Your Podcast

What You Need To Launch A Podcast – PTC 329

Launching a podcast doesn’t need to be difficult. Many gurus make you think it takes a lot of technical knowledge and magic powder. Today, I am going to show you how easy it can be to launch your podcast. Even if you have a podcast, you’ll find some tips here today that will make it…