Grow your podcast downloads

Grow Your Podcast Downloads – PTC 342

There are three important steps to growing your podcast downloads. The three steps are awareness, attraction and retention. I like to call it promotion, programming and personality. Today, I want to help you grow your downloads by focusing on promotion. TRAINING I will be holding a free training called “How To Make Money With A…
Podcast Engagement

Ways To Grow Your Podcast Engagement – PTC 341

Many podcasters ask me how to get more listener interaction with their show. How can you get more listener feedback and comments? They are looking for ways to grow their podcast engagement. We need to transform your information into engaging entertainment. When your content is engaging, people take notice and take action. If you want…
Better Interview

How To Improve Your Next Podcast Interview – PTC 340

On this episode, I want to teach you how to create powerful podcast interviews like the pros. There are a few adjustments you can make to create a better interview. REASONS There are many reasons we interview guests on our podcasts. They are content expertsThey know more than we doGuests add depth to the conversationInterviews…
Podcast Examples

Great Podcast Examples – PTC 339

On the show today, I want to give you a few podcast examples that will help you in various areas of your show. These are podcasts that I feel do many things well that you can model. We will also talk about a few of my past episodes. After over 330 podcast episodes, you and…
Start a Podcast

6 Steps To Start A Podcast – PTC 338

If you want to start a podcast, don’t make it harder than it needs to be. Follow these 6 steps and you can launch a podcast in 30 days. The first thing you need to remember is patients. FISH Download numbers are is like a fishing stories. The fish in the story is always bigger…