Roadmap strategy

Your 2021 Podcast Roadmap – PTC 312

When podcasters come to me for guidance, we start with a free strategy session to see if and how I can be of help. During this session, we develop a roadmap for the next 12 months. If it then makes sense to work together, we discuss what that could look like. Today, I want to…
Get started today

Don’t Wait For Perfect – PTC311

Let’s look back over the past 12 months. What are you working on that isn’t quite yet launched? Don’t wait for perfect. Ship it. Some of my greatest accomplishments happened when I was pushed along before I felt I was 100% ready. I wasn’t perfect, but I started. TRY IT It was August 1994. I…
Podcast personality brand

How To Develop Your Podcast Personality – PTC 310

There are three legs to the podcast stool if you are trying to grow your audience. Those are programming, promotion and personality. Personality is critical to keep your listeners coming back episode after episode. Your personality is what makes you magnetic. In order to grow your podcast, you need to retain the current listeners you…
Creating engagement

5 Steps To Podcast Engagement – PTC 309

On a coaching call the other day, I was asked about my most effective way to grow my audience. You can get more podcast engagement in 5 easy steps. DOUBLE DOWNLOADS Over the last four months, I have been able to use this system to double my downloads and increase my e-mail list by 60%.…
Stand out from the crowd

Creating Unique Content – PTC 308

There is one way to stand out from the crowd in your podcast niche. Most people think the solution to creating unique content is creative or better content. That isn’t the case. Your content can be copied. You become unique by the way you present the content. CONTENT IS KING? You’ve heard it often. Content…