Show Notes Questions

What Must Be In Your Podcast Show Notes – PTC 290

We are answering your questions on the show this week. If you have a question, e-mail me at I read all of those notes and answer as many as I can here on the show. Today we will cover handling stagnant audience growth, eliminating the dreaded “uh” and “um”, and the “must haves” of your…
Podcast Topics

Where To Find Podcast Content Ideas – PTC 289

Do you ever struggle coming up with podcast content ideas or run into a sort of writer’s block when you’re asking, “What am I going to podcast about today?” There are ideas all around you. It is simply a matter of knowing where to look and to turn ideas into topics. Struggling with content ideas…
How To Create A Podcast Structure

How To Structure A Podcast – PTC 288

As I talk to podcasters and spend time in podcasting Facebook groups, I often find questions regarding how to structure your podcast. The questions span the spectrum from open to close. How should the intro look? What needs to be included? Where should the interview happen? When do you make your call-to-action? There is good…
Create partnerships

The Power of Podcast Partnerships – PTC287

There are few things that will move any project forward faster than partnerships. When you connect and collaborate with people in your niche, you can help each other learn new things, find new audiences, and attract new clients. When I first launched Podcast Talent Coach, I connected with Dave Jackson at School of Podcasting. In fact, Dave…
Grow Your Audience

The 3 Secrets to Grow Your Podcast Audience – PTC 286

Almost every podcaster who comes to me for coaching has the same struggle. They want to know how to grow your podcast audience. There are 3 keys to grow your audience. There are many gurus and YouTube videos that will tell you have to drive more traffic and get more listeners. What they don’t tell…