Podcast Revenue Roadmap

The Podcast Revenue Roadmap – PTC281

Are you ready to take the information you share on your podcast and turn it into a product you can sell? Would you like to make a some money with your show, generate revenue and monetize all of that hard work. Today, we are going to lay out the roadmap from your content creation to…
Revenue Streams

No Ads Allowed – How Quin Makes Money – PTC280

You have worked hard to develop some great content. The show is beginning to attract an audience. How can we turn this great podcast into a business and multiple revenue streams? Let me give you a free resource. It is a video and accompanying checklist called “6 reasons your podcast isn’t making money”. It also…
Podcast Influence

Growing Your Influence – PTC279

Over the past few weeks, I have had the opportunity to implement a few new strategies. One of them grew my mailing list by 500 people. What are you doing to grow your influence? SPHERE OF INFLUENCE We all know we need to nurture our listener communities. That is how we grow our audience. We…
Topic Confidence

Find The Confidence For Your Topic – PTC278

You have found a topic that you love. It is a subject you can talk about for days on end. Where do you find the confidence to put it out there for the world to see … and judge … maybe love … and probably critique? Confidence is elusive. I want to help you find…
Authority In Your Niche

Building Podcast Authority With Cindy J. – PTC277

I had the opportunity to do a Facebook Live the other day with Cindy J. The Visibility Wiz. We talked about podcasting and why now is a great time to begin building your authority in your space using a podcast. In this interview, we discussed a few different things regarding podcasting and building an online business.…