Repurposing Your Content with Mike Abramowitz

Repurposing Your Content with Mike Abramowitz – PTC 457


You work hard every week to create your podcast. Don’t let that work go to waste. By repurposing your content, you can do the work once and benefit again and again.

Many podcasters struggle to grow their audience. When they publish an episode, the share it with their email list and their social media following.

Those people already know you and rarely share your content.

To grow your audience, you need to get in front of people who aren’t aware of you. Getting your listeners to share your content is a very powerful way to do that.


Studies show that the number one way people discover new podcasts is through word-of-mouth. They hear somebody mention the podcast and decide to try it out.

When I first heard about Pat Flynn and Smart Passive Income, I didn’t listen. Then I heard the show mentioned by Dave Jackson at School of Podcasting. It was mentioned on Internet Business Mastery. Then I heard Pat mentioned on Dan Miller’s podcast 48 Days to the Work You Love.

That’s when I decided to give Smart Passive Income a listen. People I trusted were mentioning it.

If you want people to talk about your show, do something work mentioning. Then, make it easy for them to talk about you. That can be accomplished by creating small bites they can share.

But, don’t create more content. Start repurposing your content that you’ve already created.


There are three modes people can consume content. Those three modes are audio, visual and the written word.

Different people prefer different modes. Therefore, give them options.

Begin by recording your podcast on video. This will give you the most flexibility when it comes to sharing your content.

Now, import the video into your audio editing software. Use the audio for your podcast. Your podcast helps build relationships.

Take the video and post it on YouTube. This will help you get discovered when people search for your topic.

Finally, take the show notes and turn them into a blog post. This will help Google find your website. It also provides those who prefer the written word to scan the text and consume the content.


Now, take those full pieces of content and split it into small chunks to begin repurposing your content even more.

There are a variety of tools you can use to create these bite-sized chunks.

Take small video clips to share on social media. Follow it up with a call to action to either get them on your email list or back to your podcast.

Use pieces of the show notes for quote cards and posts on social media.

Snippets of the audio can be turned into audiograms.

It is really easy when you have the right tools. However, you can also delegate the creation of these pieces to someone else.

My Podcast Profits Concierge program will produce all of this for you. We edit your audio and post it. We edit your video and post it. You also get full show notes that are uploaded to your website.

To help you share the pieces, we create a quote card, a captioned social media video, and an audiogram. You get a blog header image and YouTube thumbnail.

Just simply need to show up and perform.

You can see it all at


If you would like to do it yourself, you need the right tools for repurposing your content.

Mike Abramowitz is the co-founder and CEO of Braid It, Inc. He has built a variety of technology products ranging from fintech to social media.

Mike has had success and failure as an entrepreneur. His main lesson: create so much value that your solution becomes impossible to live without.

With his new product Braid, you can make shareworthy video clips in minutes. It is the easiest way to source, record, edit, and publish video.

Braid gives you the opportunity to leverage customers, experts, audience, or guests to create more content. Prompt them to record a video reply by simply sharing a link.

You can even stitch responses together into editable clips and create a full episode.

Learn all about braid at

Today, Mike joins us to discuss repurposing your content and just how easy it can be. Enjoy my conversation with Mike Abramowitz.


You can learn all about Braid at


If you don’t have a mentor who can take your hand and walk you every step of the way, go to, click the button and apply to have a chat with me. We will develop your plan and see how I can help and support you to achieve your podcast goals.