3 Ways to Save Time

Save Time In Your Week – PTC 467


When it comes to producing your podcast and running your coaching business, there are many ways to save time in your week. But there is nothing better than grouping tasks that allow you to work in your zone of genius.

There are three ways to save time in your week.

Batch your work by doing multiple episodes at the same time.

Group your work, so you’re doing similar work at the same time. Use the same part of the brain.

Find the time in the day when you do your best work for each specific type of work.


First, you can save time by batching your work. This means doing multiple at the same time.

If you are recording a podcast, record two or three.

When you are writing your show notes, complete two or three.

As I write my daily email each week, I write 7 days at the same time.

This allows your mind to get in the flow. It will also save you time by getting prepared only once.

To record a podcast, it takes time to set up the equipment, get the audio software loaded, turn off all the distractions and all the other prep tasks.

When you record two or three episodes as the same time, you only need to do the set up once. It will save you a little time you can use elsewhere.

Do this for your other tasks like email and show notes. The time will quickly add up. The flow will also produce better work.


Different tasks use different parts of the brain. When you record the podcast, you use the performance part of the brain. Editing requires the analytical part. When you write email, you are tapping into the creative side.

Each time your brain switches to a different part, it takes time to get into the flow to do your best work. When you group similar tasks together, you will save time because your brain isn’t switching modes so often.

Find tasks that are similar, and do those tasks at the same time.

Many experts I know segment tasks by day. Monday is meeting day. Tuesday is content creation day. Wednesday is podcast recording day.


Finally, you can save time by finding the right time of the day.

We all have our perfect time of the day. I’m not a morning person. I perform best at night. Mornings need to be set aside with few interactions with others.

However, I was just on a call with a client. She is a morning person and told me she works best between 3:30 and 5:30 in the morning.

When she was on a training at 6p, she found herself getting irritated. After 4pm, she often gets exhausted and cannot be effective.

Find the time of day when you do your best work. It will be different for different tasks. You’ll present better at one time of the day and you’ll do analytical work at a different time of day.

When you find your best times, you will save time by getting in the flow and doing great work.


Today, Kathi Burns joins us to help us find more creative ways to save time in our week.

Kathi Burns, CPO® is a Board Certified Professional Organizer, Image Consultant, author and speaker. As the founder of Organized and Energized dot com, her mission for almost two decades has been to end overwhelm, energize, and transform lives by creating systems clients can stick to.

Kathi is nationally recognized for her simple organizing and style solutions and featured on Good Morning America as a successful woman owned business. She hosts Organized and Energized! The Podcast.

You can get the Ultimate Productivity Checklist from Kathi Burns at


If you don’t have a mentor who can take your hand and walk you every step of the way, go to www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/apply, click the button and apply to have a chat with me. We will develop your plan and see how I can help and support you to achieve your podcast goals.