Start Your Next Big Thing

Start Your Next Big Thing – PTC 431

We often get stuck trying to start our next thing. Sometimes we don’t know where to start. Other times we let the tech derail us. There are times we spend too much time learning and preparing.

Most of the time, we don’t start because we fail to determine the right next step and take action.

Action, any action, is so powerful. One step will lead to the next.

My mentor always says, “If you wait for all of the lights to turn green, you will never press the gas pedal.” Perfect conditions rarely happen.

Take the first step and start the next thing.


TaVona Denise wanted to launch a podcast to grow her coaching business.

She was looking for a solid plan and foundation for growth. Her idea for the podcast would transform the people working in the healthcare industry. Tavona just needed help with content strategy, structure and launch.

TaVona didn’t know where to start.

She told me she had the idea for awhile, but would always back out. Figuring out what to talk about always stopped her in her tracks.

TaVona is a Physical therapist by trade. After leaving the traditional job, she had been doing burn out coaching for other therapists. She would help them start their wellness coaching business.

There lies the issue. She had the idea for awhile, but didn’t take action.

Once we talked, we followed the step-by-step plan and launched in 30 days.

TaVona has since pivoted the show. Instead of helping healthcare professionals start their coaching business, she now helps entrepreneurial women launch their next course, program or big thing.

The plan wasn’t perfect out of the gate. She got started and refined along the way.


Mary Elaine Petrucci helps women in the sandwich generation. These women are taking care of their family while also caring for an elderly parent or family member.

Mary Elaine’s goal was to grow her caregiver conference. She was also starting an evergreen program and membership.

Her ultimate goal is to start a family foundation to advocate for health care needs.

Mary Elaine said she had been on my list longer than she could remember. She just needed to start.

Around Christmastime, Mary Elaine launched her podcast. She started doing interviews over the next 4 months.

Unfortunately, full-time work and working on the conference took her away from the podcast. She couldn’t find the time to start again.

Mary Elaine finally called me in September. It was 9 months after starting and 6 months spinning her wheels trying to figure it out.

We worked together and got her show back up and running. The podcast now promotes her conference, which she has put on a few times. She also now has a membership site as well.

It all happened because she took action. Determine the next step and start.


Gobinder Gill is an expert in equity and diversity. His idea for a podcast would interview someone in HR or diversity. He would discuss the important workplace issues around diversity, equity and inclusion.

The goal for podcast with Gobinder was to get the audience to understand the importance of diversity as an investment, not hinderance.

Ultimately, the podcast would promote his business and educate employers. He does keynote talks, seminars, workshops, and other events. Gobinder was working to get referrals to grow the business.

He also understood that the podcast could build his credibility. He would be able to demonstrate his authority and be known as someone who knows what he is talking about.

Gobinder just didn’t know where to start. He was doing a million things.

He started in radio back in the day. Gobinder eventually spread out in journalism, writing for papers and working in television. He wrote a book called Achieving Prosperity Through Diversity. Then, he got into film working behind the scenes.

Oh, and Gobinder had over 300 blog posts on his website.

As you can imagine, his challege was focus. Where does he start?

When I asked him why he hadn’t started the podcast, Gobinder told me, “There is always tomorrow. There is always something else. When do I do it?”

After working together, we got him focused on the step-by-step process and launched his podcast in 30 days.

He is now well on his way to building his authority, getting speaking gigs and landing clients.

It all started with taking action.


On the show today, we talk with Cindy Burns about starting.

Cindy wants a podcast that will lead listeners into her membership. But, how can she convert those listeners into paying members? Where does she start?

We talk about promoting in groups without getting kicked out for promoting.

She is looking for great ideas to grow, like referrals and sharing.

Most of all, she wants to know to get listeners and how to convert them to clients.

We talk about the Podcast Fast Worksheet. You can dowload the worksheet and accompanying video at

When you are done with this episode, take action. Determine your next step and start.


What is your next big thing? Determine the first step and take action.

Don’t wait for perfect conditions. You’ll be waiting forever.

If you wait for all of the lights to turn green, you will never press the gas pedal. Perfect conditions rarely happen.

You can always pivot down the road. Your first idea is never your best idea.

But, you need to get through the first idea to get to the next and eventually get to the best idea.

Take the first step and start your next big thing.

Do you need help taking that first step? Let’s talk.

Go to, click the button and apply to have a chat with me. It is my gift to you. No charge.

We will determine your ideal outcome, develop your plan and see how I can help and support you to achieve your podcast goals. Most importantly, we determine your next step to get you to start.

Go to, click the button and apply. I can’t wait to talk to you.