Budget your time

Streamlining Your Podcast Process – Episode 253

Does it feel like your podcast process eats up your entire week? Many podcasters get in that situation. You feel like you finish one episode only to begin the next.


When it comes to your podcast process, we need to develop a schedule and plan that fits into your life. When you have a well-defined process, even when life happens, there can still be time to produce the show. We just need to ensure the process doesn’t eat up your entire week.

A process will allow you to budget your time properly. There is no right or wrong answer to when it happens or how long it takes. You get to decide that. Just like a budget for money, you get to tell your time where it goes.

I was on a coaching call earlier this week, and we were talking about my client’s struggles for the week. He said his podcast isn’t growing. The downloads don’t seem to be getting bigger.

When we started talking about where he was spending his time all week, most of it was spent producing the show. I asked him how often he was on social media growing his brand and how often he was e-mailing his list. He told me he didn’t have time to do that stuff.

This is where a time budget comes in play. If you want your show to grow, make sure you are allocating time to market the podcast. The growth will be incredibly slow if you are only hoping people find you naturally or by accident.

Let’s talk about six ways your can make your podcast process more efficient.


  1. Find a show style that you love

This could be an interview, a solo show, magazine style, or something else. Be unique to stand out from other shows.

If it isn’t something you love, you will find it challenging to produce your show on a regular basis. This is where the “lack of time” tends to creep in. Find your passion.

  1. Develop a show clock and format

A format allows you to almost plug and play. You just need to color within the lines.

I realize the structure of a format sounds like it may take away your creativity. It actually has the opposite effect. When you don’t have to worry about what the format looks like, you have the bandwidth to be creative within the structure.

A format and show clock lets your audience know what to expect from your show. We call it benchmarks in radio. These are things that happen at the same time every day.

  1. Stray from the format when it makes sense

Just because you have a format, that doesn’t mean you are handcuffed. You can stray away from the format when it makes sense.

If you typically do a solo show, but suddenly have the opportunity to interview the biggest name in your niche, by all means take the interview.

  1. Develop a schedule and budget your time

Just like you budget your money, you need to budget your time. If you don’t tell your money where to go, it will disappear. The same is true with your time.

If it feels like your podcast is eating your entire week, you probably aren’t budgeting your time well. How long does it take to create your outline? What time are you spending to set up the studio? How long does it take to record? When you create show notes, how long does it take?

If you do not know these times, you haven’t taken inventory of your time. You only get 168 hours a week. Make sure you are spending them efficiently by using a budget.

  1. Break it up into parts

When you try to do everything at once, it can feel overwhelming. Create your podcast a little at a time.

Set aside a day to brainstorm show ideas and create outlines.

Use another day to just record episodes.

Find another time to do your editing and show notes.

When you break it into parts, you will find it easier to get the job done. It won’t feel so large. You won’t hear the voice in your head saying, “I don’t have enough time to get it done, so I won’t start.”

  1. Producing is 20%. Marketing is 80%.

If you want your show to grow, you need to remember that producing the podcast is only 20% of the work. Marketing your show should take up 80% of your time.

You need to spend dedicated time marketing your show. Make people aware that it exists. Get people to download your show. Be active and be visible.


Do you need help with your podcast? You can find my podcast and other tools to help you create great content at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com.

Let’s turn your information into engaging entertainment.

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