How to add structure to your podcast

How To Structure Your Podcast – PTC 261

So many people feel structure will take away the opportunity to create and be spontaneous. My degree in architecture and career in radio proves that many people are very creative within a framework and structure. The framework actually gives your creativity focus. Focus is exactly how a show clock for your podcast benefits you.

A show clock is basically where your elements will fall during the episode.


Think of a late night talk show. They have the opening skit. It is followed by the show open. The host is introduced and he does his monologue. That might be followed by some sort of skit or short. The host then interviews two or three guests. Maybe a band plays to close the show. Finally, the credits roll.

That format would be a show clock. Now, on each episode, the team simply fills in the parts. What is in the monologue? Do we have a skit or bit tonight? Who are the guests? Who is the band? Do we need to make room for anything else?

The show clock and grid provides the continuity and comfort for the viewer or listener while still allowing the host and team to be creative.

We need a skit on the show tonight. Is it going to be viewer letters, karoke or man-on-the-street? Maybe Dan wrote something new that we can add in. You have the framework. It is now up to you to design within that framework.


When I tell people that I have a degree in architecture, but have spent my entire career in radio, they look at me like I have two heads. How does architecture turn into radio? They are nothing alike.

Actually, architecture and radio are quite similar. To be successful in either discipline, you need to be both creative and analytical at the same time. In architecture, you are given a set of requirements in which to use your creativity.

The architecture client might say, “We need a 2-story clubhouse for an exclusive golf course, along with 2 tennis courts, a pool, a dining room that seats 200 yet can be divided, and a garage to store the golf carts.” Now, go create.

The radio client might say, “We are opening a new location out west. We need to attract people there in the first two months. We need a commercial that stands out from the other stores in our industry.”

Or the boss might say, “We need to attract as many listeners to our morning show while still playing 8 songs an hour. You need 3 traffic reports, 10 minutes of commercials and 2 weather reports. Be funny.”

How do you get it all in? You create a framework that helps you focus on the important information that will move the needle and help you be successful.

If you have a podcast that is serving as a marketing tool for your business, you need to make sure you have carved out time to market your business while still entertaining the audience.

We are going to compare how four podcasters structure their show around their business. They entertain and provide useful, valuable information while still attracting clients to their business.


Dave Jackson – School of Podcasting – Sells podcast consulting and a membership – podcast is 43 minutes.

:00 – Episode tease

:15 – Recorded open jingle

:23 – Dave introduction of the podcast

:58 – Dave episode introduction

1:30 – Promote the deal at the website

2:00 – Topic 1

20:00 – Question of the month

25:00 – Membership promo

25:15 – Book recommendation

26:00 – Final answer to question of the month

27:45 – Next question of the month question

30:00 – Topic 3

37:09 – Topic 4

41:25 – Tease for next episode

42:30 – Show close

42:45 – Outtakes


Marc Mawhinny – Natural Born Coaches – Sells consulting for coaches – Podcast is 29 minutes.

:00 – Before we start the show – 10 Clients in 90 Days program

:30 – Recording intro to the show

1:00 – Marc’s introduction of the episode and guest

1:45 – interview begins

26:00 – Where can people find the guest?

26:50 – Recap of the guest

27:05 – Recorded close


Armani Chowdhury – Armani Talks – Sells soft skills coaching – Podcast is 8 minutes.

:00 – Armani introduction of the podcast

:20 – Today’s episode introduction

1:00 – Topic 1

7:40 – Lesson from today

8:05 – Call-to-action

8:25 – Show close


Jedli – Reading With Your Kids – Sells marketing services for children’s books – Podcast is 33 minutes.

:00 – Recorded introduction

:05 – Jedlie’s podcast introduction

:40 – Jedlie’s show introduction

:45 – RWYK Certified Great Read promo

1:45 – Guest introduction

2:00 – Interview

29:25 – Plug guest’s contact information

30:10 – Interview wrap

30:30 – Tease of next episode

30:45 – RWYK Certified Great Read promo & plug

32:08 – Thank of people that make the show possible

32:26 – Host show close

32:40 – Recorded close


Whether your show is 8 minutes long or 43 minutes long, it needs a show clock. You need to remind yourself to promote your business. You also need to schedule where and how that will happen.

That is where a show clock comes in. The clock helps you schedule the various parts of your show. My Podcast Talent Coach Show Clock Worksheet will help you put it all together.

Get my show clock worksheet at


You can find my podcast and other tools to help you create great content at

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