Create partnerships

The Power of Podcast Partnerships – PTC287

There are few things that will move any project forward faster than partnerships. When you connect and collaborate with people in your niche, you can help each other learn new things, find new audiences, and attract new clients.

When I first launched Podcast Talent Coach, I connected with Dave Jackson at School of Podcasting. In fact, Dave reached out to me. I wasn’t aware of the power of podcast partnerships yet.

Dave helped me get things moving in the right direction. We worked together to help each other grow. That was 8 years ago and the partnership continues today.

One of the best events I ever attended helped me connect with an amazing number of partners.


I have a great opportunity for you to connect with a ton of potential partnerships. Check it out at

It is a great collaboration event that will supercharge your growth. I’ll tell you more about it in a minute.

Let me tell you about this event I was part of about 6 weeks ago. It was called the JV Experience. Almost 400 experts came together to connect and help each other grow through partnerships.

Due to COVID-19, the whole event was virtual and online. It was a 3-day weekend. Instead of spending a weekend at a conference hotel somewhere, we spent the weekend on Zoom.

During the event, we learned a ton. If we were in the hotel conference room, we would spend the breaks out in the hallway connecting with potential partners. The problem with the hotel scenario happens when you’re an introvert. It is easy to use the restroom, check your e-mail and be invisible.

Online, the situation was much different. During the breaks, we were placed into breakout sessions with about half a dozen other experts. We each took 2 minutes to introduce ourselves and what partnerships we were seeking.

During the weekend, I met about 80 of the 400 experts in the breakout rooms. Of those 80, half made sense for a further discussion and possible partnership. I spent the next two weeks reaching out and having conversations.

Those conversations led to some great partnerships that turned into joint ventures, podcast guests and business opportunities.

It all stemmed from one amazing event. It is crazy how a few of the right partners can explode your projects.


If you really want to grow your show and your mailing list, even build that business around your podcast, find 5 podcasters in you niche that could make great partners.

Here are five ways to help each other.


Create a crowdsource episode with experts. Find a question that will help your listeners.

Ask each of the five podcasters to answer the question. Combine them into an episode. Then, ask each of the experts to share the show.


All podcasts like comments and reviews. Leave a comment on or review for 5 shows in your niche that compliment your show. If you teach courses, find someone that teaches memberships. If you teach healthy eating, find someone who teaches healthy gardening.

Begin to create the relationship with the hosts. Get on their radar. Once you begin the conversation, take the next step.


Reach out to those five people and ask, “How might we help each other.” You are not looking to simply have them promote you. Find ways you can help each other. Create a true partnership.

You can create great synergy when you ask, “What are you working on and how might I support you?” Help them connect with experts you know. Turn them onto resources you use. Spread the word about their latest product.

Give and give again. The support will eventually come back to you. Just start making the connections.


When you have a relationship built, offer to swap newsletter mentions. You could send the link to their lead magnet to your e-mail list. They could do the same for you.

You also might consider swapping interviews. Have a discussion around a topic and both of you use the same conversation for your episodes to promote the other. Find ways to help each other grow.


The last idea is a bit crazy and fun. Challenge a peer in your niche to something fun. This could be a challenge to see who can get the most Facebook friends in a month. Or, who can get the most comments on an episode in four weeks.

There are a few things the challenge should include.

Make the challenge fun. If it is serious, it won’t attract as much attention.

It should incorporate the listeners. You want your audience to have a vested interest in the challenge. Get them to follow along.

Make it last around four weeks. You want to give it time to gain some attention and word-of-mouth. Create a storyline around it that lasts 3 or 4 episodes. Make sure it is public, so your listeners can follow the progress on each show.

Finally, there should be something at stake. Maybe the loser has to e-mail their list promoting the winner. Or the loser has to do a Facebook live video wearing a t-shirt promoting the winner. Something that gets noticed.


There are many other ways to partner. You could participate in summits, giveaways, live events, podcasts, YouTube interviews, Facebook lives and many other things.

Now, you could spend time searching for other experts that can help you grow, finding them one by one. You’re not sure if they are looking for partners. It is unclear what they have to offer. Will they actually do the work to promote you?

Rather than spending all of that time and energy, you could participate in an event just like I did. And you can get into this one for a crazy deal.


I would like to introduce you to a new, live, virtual event called COLLABORATE. I’m so excited about it because it’s a cutting-edge, results-oriented event created by the amazing event team at JV Insider Circle (JVIC). This is the same team who also created the annual JV Experience (JVX) Summit that I attended and made such great connections. JVX is the world’s #1 joint venture summit.

In order to design the ultimate event, the JVIC team analyzed mountains of feedback and gigabytes of successful collaborative partnerships that was generated amongst attendees from their many past events, both live and virtual. The result is COLLABORATE, an event with everything the revered JVX Summit has to offer, but supercharged on a whole new level! This is gonna be great.

COLLABORATE is a live virtual event where you get to connect with hundreds of top entrepreneurs, coaches, authors, speakers, program leaders along with producers of podcasts, radio shows and live & virtual events from around the world.

These people are all interested in creating alliances with you and promoting your products & programs. On top of that, you’ll learn valuable, actionable knowledge. You will get tools and the support you need to catapult your business into the next stratosphere.


Get the details at

The inaugural COLLABORATE event is designed by the innovative events team who also created the world’s #1 joint venture event, JVX SUMMIT.

The connections I made at the JVX were priceless. I connected with 40 potential partners in my niche alone. It was an amazing and very productive weekend.

389 people from around the world attended their last virtual event. If you would like to create amazing partnerships, don’t miss this event. Get your ticket now!


Here is what you can expect:

Networking Circles. This is where you can connect with industry leaders, experts & influencers from around the world to create your partnerships.

Hot Or Not. This is an opportunity to test your products or programs by getting IMMEDIATE feedback from 100’s of coaches & experts! It is like a focus group on steroids.

Niche Circles. In these small groups, you can get feedback to hone your pitches & messages in front of live coaches.

Knowledge Sessions. You will learn valuable knowledge and gain actionable tools from guest speakers during the event.

JV Shark Attack. This is just a lot of fun and a great way to learn. You have a chance to have your products & programs promoted by key industry leaders if you’re selected. If you are not JV ready yet, this is a great way to learn by watching other people pitch their joint venture opportunities.

Special Exercises. There will be uniquely designed exercises to help you connect with partners and build your business.

Special Activities. You will participate in one-of-a-kind activities created to give your business a mega boost.

There is also much more. There are more sessions & activities being developed between now and the event.


COLLABORATE is more than just another live online networking event. It is a connecting event.

Not only will you have plenty of connecting time, you will be guided through fun exercises and activities to make sure your products or programs are sizzling hot with clearly communicated benefits and all the factors to make them winners.

Nothing is being left to chance when it comes to helping you walk away with the best joint venture partners. You’ll come away with a full list of powerful alliances and industry influencers ready to promote your products or programs just like I did, even if you’ve struggled with this in the past.

Here is the best part … you can get the whole weekend for just $47. How crazy is that?

Imagine what one partner could do for your podcast. Would that be worth $47? And I connected with 40 at the last one without even knowing what I was doing.


I was bummed that I would need to wait an entire year before I could do it again. They got so much great feedback on the connection circles from that event that they are creating Collaborate as a way to help people connect even further. It is going to be amazing.

If you want to connect with hundreds of top entrepreneurs, coaches, authors, speakers, and program leaders along with producers of podcasts, radio shows and live & virtual events from around the world, don’t miss Collaborate.

I can’t wait to see you there. Get registered at

Please be aware that links in this post and on this site may be affiliate links. I could earn a commission should you choose to make a purchase. However, I only recommend things I trust and that I believe are valuable.

You can find my podcast and other tools to help you create great content at

Let’s turn your information into engaging entertainment.

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