Podcast Into A Book

Turn Your Podcast Into A Book – PTC 346

If you are like me, you have been working diligently on your podcast, writing your show notes and sharing your content. You now have a stack of episodes sitting there getting the occasional download. Have you ever thought that you could turn your podcast into a book?

Repurposing your content across various platforms allows you to be seen everywhere without multiplying the amount of work you are doing.

Creating the content is the part that takes the time. Creation takes the mental power. The editing and rewrites eat your time.

Sharing the content can be turned into a system and checklist. You can make it an efficient process and multiply your impact.

As you repurpose your content, make sure you have a strategy. Decide where your content will send your listeners. Develop a strong call-to-action as you begin to be seen everywhere.

Let’s talk about 6 different ways you can take an episode and repurpose it across multiple platforms.


Start with video. This is the format that takes the most time and makes it possible to use this across many platforms.

This doesn’t need to be highly produced. You can simply shoot video of your recording your show. Add some graphics if you’d like to spice it up a bit.

YouTube is the obvious place for your video. You can also use that video on your website, social media and newsletter. Share it.


You can strip the audio from the video for your podcast. No need to rerecord it.

If you don’t start with video, you can simply start at this point and record your show. Either works.

When you record on Zoom, the platform will record both video and audio. This makes it easy to use it on both platforms.

Many audio editing software programs will allow you to import the video and it will strip the audio for you. It makes it easy to repurpose your video without recording it a second time.


Now that you have your show recorded, you can turn the notes into a blog post.

Your show notes can be posted on your website as a blog post. Build it out so your notes are more than an outline. Add some meat to the bone.

The other option is to have your show transcribed. There are various services that will do this using automation. This choice takes a little proofreading and editing on your part.

You could also hire a virtual assistant who can transcribe the show for you. Either way, this gives you a lot of written content you can share elsewhere.


Now that you have video, audio and text, you can share bits of it on social media.

You can use clips of your video and audio on social. Your blog post and show notes can be turned into graphics and posts.


Your show notes can be used for your daily emails.

Sending an email everyday doesn’t guarantee your list will read every email. What it does mean is that your list will see your name every day. They may only read the subject lines that connect with them. But, they will see your email in their inbox each day.

Frequency to the target keeps you top of mind.

I was concerned that a daily email would cause people on my list to unsubscribe. Very few unsubscribed. Those that stayed were more engaged.


As you create this great content, find partners who can use your stuff.

Find other content creators who could use a bit of your content on their platform. Maybe an online magazine could use a bit of your content as an article in their content. A podcaster could use a segment of your show as part of their show. Find content creators who talk to your niche and create a partnership.


As you create this content across various platforms, be sure to have a strong call-to-action. What do you want your audience to do?

Your content could send your audience to your website, your lead magnet or your discovery call. Have a unified plan.

When all of your content leads your audience to the same place, your maximize the impact your content can have.


Now that you have multiple episodes, you can take all of that content and aggregate it into a book.

Group your episodes into similar topics. Turn these groups into chapters. Find an overarching theme and create your book.

Now that theory sounds easy. But, it’s a little more challenging than that.

Today, we have an amazing expert who can help us with the process.


Dan Janal works with business owners and professionals who want to elevate their reputations and set themselves apart from their competition by writing a book.

As a book coach, developmental editor, and ghostwriter, Dan shapes stories and strategies that can transform a career or business.

Dan has written more than a dozen books that have been translated into six languages. His latest book is Write Your Book in a Flash.

He also hosts a podcast, “Write Your Book in a Flash with Dan Janal”, where he interviews subject matter experts who have written books. Thinkers360.com named the show one of the top 50 podcasts for thought leaders.

He’s a former award-winning daily newspaper reporter and business editor. Dan has interviewed President Gerald Ford and First Lady Barbara Bush.

Dan is an award-winning daily newspaper reporter and business newspaper editor who excels in making difficult concepts easy to understand.

Today, Dan is going to show us the benefits of a book, how you can find a ghostwriter and how he uses his podcast to drive his business.

You can grab his free gift “How To turn Your Podcast Into A Book” at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/flash.

If you don’t have a mentor who can take your hand and walk you every step of the way, go to www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/apply, click the button and apply to have a chat with me. We will develop your plan and see how I can help and support you to achieve your podcast goals.