Dan Miller

Work You Love With Dan Miller – PTC 298

Your podcast is such a powerful tool to not only build a business, but create a life of your dreams. If you have a message or something you can teach, you can create courses or programs to help people do what you do. With the right approach, you can do work you love the rest of your life.

The problem many podcasters face is their frame of mind. Many think the podcast is the business. That is a mistake.

The podcast is the marketing vehicle that promotes the business.


Before we get into it, I would love your feedback. In return, I’ll give you my interviewing course for free. It is called “Crush Your Next Podcast Interview Like a Radio Pro Without Decades of Training and Hours of Preparation.” You can have it for free if you will answer 8 questions for me.

I am updating my Audience Explosion Blueprint program that helps podcasters grow their audience. I am planning to roll it out again in October even bigger and better. Can you help me with a little input?

Head to PodcastTalentCoach.com/research. Sign up for a time to chat with me. I’ll ask you 8 questions. It takes about 20 minutes. In return, you get my interview course for free.


So, why do we grow an audience in the first place? We grow our audience, so we can spread our message and influence.

There are 3 steps to growing your audience. That formula is Promotion, Programming and Personality.

Your promotion gets you in front of people who are not familiar with you.

The programming is your content. That is what gets people to come check out your material.

Finally, your personality keeps them coming back for more. Use your personality to build relationships with your listeners.

Once you have an audience, you can begin leveraging that attention to build your business. You can demonstrate your authority on your show. Show people your expertise.

Once you have built the relationship and your listeners are familiar with your expertise, you can make an offer to help them reach their goals.

This isn’t an overnight process. Building relationships and growing a business takes time. Get rich quick always costs more than it makes you in the long run.


Today, I am bringing you a very special interview with Dan Miller. Dan has been my virtual mentor for over a decade. I have been listening to his podcast and reading his books for years. Podcast Talent Coach started, because of the inspiration Dan provided.

He has a membership site called 48 Days Eagles. I’ve been a member since the early days of that group. Recently, Dan asked me to lead the small podcast group within 48 Days Eagles, and it has been an honor.

Dan Miller’s bio is one we would all like to have. It says, “As a career thought leader, New York Times best-selling author Dan Miller helps high potential individuals understand and apply their unique and most powerful talents and passions so they can make a larger impact, leave a legacy and thrive financially.”

Is that what we are all trying to do with our podcasts?

Dan hosts a weekly podcast called “48 Days to the Work You Love”. It is consistently ranked #1 under Careers on iTunes. The 20th anniversary edition of his book “48 Days to the Work and Life You Love” was just released earlier this year.

It is my honor to have him on the show today to share with you some great nuggets. You will learn how to identify your zone of genius. We discuss how to break through the upper limit challenge. Most importantly, Dan tells us how he makes money with his podcast.


At the end of our talk, Dan will tell you how to get a free chapter of the book, how to take a free “life you love” quiz and how you can get some great bonuses if you’d like to purchase the book.

A big thanks to Dan Miller for joining us on the show. I really enjoyed our conversation.

If you would like those free tools and bonuses, head to 48Days.com/ptc. PTC for Podcast Talent Coach.

Start taking action today. Let’s see what we can build around your podcast.

Do you need help with your podcast? E-mail me any time at Coach@PodcastTalentCoach.com. Let’s see what we can do.

Let’s turn your information into engaging entertainment.

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