Define your goal

Your Episode Goal – PTC 363

You must know where you’re going before you can actually get there. That statement is true with a road trip and it is also true with your podcast. When you set out to record a show, you must have an episode goal in mind.

Once you’ve determined what you hope to accomplish, you can then decide how you will make it happen.


Before we jump into it, I want to invite you to a powerful event I am holding where I will help you grow your audience to monetize your podcast. We actually get stuff done in this day-long bootcamp.

So many times, we go to webinars hoping to learn something only to find out it is full of fluff. We might walk away with one or two ideas after an hour. But it is usually superficial stuff.

You now have a chance to join me for a 7-hour Podcast Profits Bootcamp where I will walk you through the entire process to grow your audience so you can monetize your podcast.

During this event, we will build your audience growth strategy that is perfect for you. This isn’t one size fits all. It is specific to your podcast.

You can enroll at

You will get a workbook that will help you stay on track as we develop your strategy. During the bootcamp, we walk through the workbook step-by-step.


We will start with your foundation to ensure you are building on solid ground. Then, we will get clear on your ideal target listener, so you know where to find them. Finally, we will learn how to get in front of those potential listeners and invite them to your show.

Many people think social media and their email is enough to grow their show. That is only scratching the surface.

I’ll show you a better way to grow your downloads during the Podcast Profits Bootcamp. I won’t just show you, we will build it together. We will discuss the various ways you can attract listeners, and we will pick the strategy that is right for you.

Finally, you will have plenty of time to ask me questions to refine your strategy.

This is so much more than a webinar or workshop. It is a bootcamp where we will actually get things done.

Where most webinars last an hour, this is an all day event.


Registration for the Podcast Profits Bootcamp is $197 for this 7-hour bootcamp and your workbook. More importantly, you walk away with your audience growth strategy for your show.

At our last bootcamp, we had podcasters get great success building their strategy. Rick told me, “The event was truly practical and well done, offering information in a digestible way that fortifies the knowledge base of beginners and pros alike.”

Right now, you can enroll for $197. Enroll now and secure your spot.

If you want the step-by-step process to grow your audience, you can enroll at

If you are ready to build your podcast audience growth strategy, the Podcast Profits Bootcamp is for you. You’ve spent enough time attending empty webinars and trying to figure out social media. Now is the time to build a real strategy.

Let’s sweeten the deal for you a little more. If you enroll in the Podcast Profits Bootcamp, you will also get a bonus prep call to get you ready for the event. This is where we help you gather all of the information and ideas you’ll need before the bootcamp begins.

Let’s get you registered for the Podcast Profits Bootcamp. Jump in right now at


Let’s talk about the goal of your episode. Once you’ve determined what you hope to accomplish on the episode, you can only then decide how you will make it happen.

So many podcasters seem to record their show less than fully prepared. I hear hosts often search for details that should be right at their fingertips.

There is no reason to lack the proper information while you are doing your show. If you’ve fully prepared for your podcast, the information should be right in front of you.

Overall, what do you hope to accomplish with this particular episode?

Define the action you hope to make your listeners take. Here, you are defining the ultimate purpose of this specific episode.

The purpose of this episode may be more focused than the overall goal for the podcast as a whole.

If the general goal for your podcast is to teach people how to coach lacrosse, the goal of this episode might be to discuss the power of Double-Goal Coaching. The goal today is a subset of the goal for the podcast overall.

Your call-to-action of your show could be one of many things. You might want your listener to visit your website, download your lead magnet, or buy your product. The call-to-action could encourage your listener to support your cause, sign up for your webinar or simply listen again.

Know what you hope to accomplish before you begin the journey.


Knowing the goal for your show will help you develop a filter for your subject matter and topics. When each topic passes through this goal filter, you will be able to determine what content to include on each episode.

Does the content support the goal?

Your show filter helps keep the show focused. You cannot build your filter until you first know the goal of your show.

Let’s take the “School of Podcasting” podcast with Dave Jackson for example. He is focused on helping people launch podcasts.

Dave wants to help as many people as possible get up and running with their own show. Therefore, everything Dave does on his show is centered around that goal. His content goes through that show filter.

Dave also reviews podcasts. However, reviewing shows isn’t part of launching shows.

Dave has a completely separate podcast called the “Podcast Review Show” which I host with him.

Where “School of Podcasting” is focused on launching, “Podcast Review Show” is focused on improving. Both shows have their own unique filter for the content.

The goal you develop for your show will build a focus for your podcast. When your show has focus, people know what to expect.

Consistency is developed with your content. You also build confidence to fight Impostor Syndromewhen you consistently reach that goal each and every show.

Know where you are going before you actually begin the trip. Your first step in creating your podcast should always be defining the goal for your episode.


Now that you have a goal, prepare for your episode.

Before you begin to record your show, you should spend just as much time preparing for the show as you do recording it.

This is very similar to mapping out a trip. You not only need to know where you are going, you need to know how to get there.

Many hosts will have an idea of which topics they hope to address on the show. They may have a few e-mail questions to answer or a current event to discuss.

That is where most quit. They think, “Well, I have our ideas. Let’s do this.” The podcaster then begin recording.

This is a big mistake. You must plan what you hope to do with each topic.

How do you hope to answer the questions? What will your opinion be on the current event? Most importantly, how will you present it to your listener?

All of this goes into your show prep.

Let’s say you plan to answer an e-mail question, because you think it is a good question However, you do not plan out your answer. You will wade through the answer.

It will take you much more time to answer the question than is necessary. Your content will lose momentum.

You are either moving forward or backward.

Your listener will become easily bored. When you stumble your way through your answer unprepared, your listener will wonder if you actually know where you are going.

Before you open the mic, plan out your show. Jot down some notes. Write down the few important points you need to mention as you’re answering the question.

Then, make sure you stick to your plan.


Dan Miller does a wonderful job of this on his podcast “48 Days to The Work You Love“. He knows exactly which questions he wants to answer in his show.

Dan knows exactly how he wants to answer each question. He also has a few solid examples for each answer.

By preparing, Dan is also able to tease the questions coming in the episode. He creates intrigue and keeps his listeners around for the payoff.

Give your show more momentum and energy by having a plan. It will happen when you prepare for your show.


My next Podcast Profits Bootcamp is coming up on Saturday, December 11th.

Registration for the Podcast Profits Bootcamp is $197 for this 7-hour bootcamp and your workbook. More importantly, you walk away with your audience growth strategy for your show.

At our last bootcamp, we had podcasters get great success building their strategy. Rick told me, “The event was truly practical and well done, offering information in a digestible way that fortifies the knowledge base of beginners and pros alike.”

Right now, you can enroll for $197. Enroll now and secure your spot.

If you want the step-by-step process to grow your audience, you can enroll at

If you are ready to build your podcast audience growth strategy, the Podcast Profits Bootcamp is for you. You’ve spent enough time attending empty webinars and trying to figure out social media. Now is the time to build a real strategy.

Let’s sweeten the deal for you a little more. If you enroll in the Podcast Profits Bootcamp, you will also get a bonus prep call to get you ready for the event. This is where we help you gather all of the information and ideas you’ll need before the bootcamp begins.

Let’s get you registered for the Podcast Profits Bootcamp. Jump in right now at