Find Your Focus

The Man Who Chases Two Rabbits … – Episode 220

Ugh. If I only knew then what I know now.

Are you like me? Have you said that to yourself more than once? Things could have been so much easier.

I’m like most podcasters. I wanted to make money with my podcast. It sounded so easy.

As I was building Podcast Talent Coach, I had always heard about the concept of the product suite. It sounded great. Create a suite of products along with multiple streams of income. You then have money coming from every direction.

That’s where my journey started. I created my Podcast Talent Coach workbook. I was also working to create my course, my speaking platform, my coaching and my live events. It was going to be the ultimate product suite around my expertise.

How many streams did I have launched after 3 years? One.

Yep. Only one.

And it didn’t get much better.

How many did I have launched after 7 years? Two.

Two streams after seven years. It sure wasn’t happening as fast as the experts made it sound.

What happened? Where was my traction?

Now that I look back using what I now know, I realize I didn’t get things up and running until I learned how to focus on the single task at hand.

It was all about focus.

As Confucius said, “The man who chases two rabbits catches neither.”

Once I focused on the single, most important thing until completion, my momentum multiplied exponentially. It was crazy.

Focus helped me reach my goals so much faster.

Now, I have a plan in place to launch 4 more streams. But, all in due time. And all one at a time.

Had I learned to focus from the start, it would have saved me so much time, energy and pain.

Take time to find the idea that is right for you. Look for the low-hanging fruit. What is the easiest idea to select that you could get launched quickly without a big investment of time?

Dan Miller from “48 Days To The Work You Love” tells the story of selling his original version of his book in a 3-ring binder. He took orders, printed them at a copy shop and mailed the binder to the customer. He got proof of concept and launched. It wasn’t perfect. But, it was done.

Pick one idea and go. You won’t know until you try.

If you want help refining your strategy, take advantage of my FREE podcast strategy session.


There is no hard sell during the call. We talk about you, your podcast and your goals. We create a plan. At the end, if we work well together, I’ll ask if you would like my help with the plan.

That’s it. That is the whole pitch. If you are comfortable executing it on your own, we are all good. If you’d like my help, we can talk about how that would look.

I just hope to help you learn the lessons I learned the hard way without putting you through the time, effort and pain.

You have probably heard the saying, you can spend money or your can spend time. Do you want to go through the process with trial and error, or would you like to take the fast path?

I was on a coaching call with James the other day. He is struggling with the process of creating his podcast. He feels it consumes a lot of time during the week that he would rather be dedicating to his business.

As we talked about his process, we realized he touches his podcast many times throughout the week. This includes developing the topic, researching the idea, creating his outline with the Show Prep Planning Worksheet [ Click here to download ], finding time to record, editing the show, creating the show notes, publishing the show, and marketing the podcast.

James and I developed a plan where he would batch a bit of his work. Rather than spending time every week developing topics, James began using a content planner. He now has topics for the next 12 weeks planned out. He now just needs to create the episodes. There is one big chunk of his week back.

How can you batch part of your process? Maybe you can record a few episodes at a time to save on studio set up time. Maybe you can publish a few at a time and schedule them to be released according to the plan and save time there.

Find areas of your process that you can refine. Just because everybody does it one way doesn’t mean you need to follow along.

If you would like help with your process like James, give the FREE Podcast Strategy Session a try. You can find the info at

Have fun and enjoy the journey.


You can find my podcast and other tools to help you create great content at

Let’s turn your information into engaging entertainment.

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