Gordon Firemark - Is your podcast legal

Is Your Podcast Legal with Gordon Firemark – PTC 473

AFFILIATE PROMOTION THE LEGAL WAY We often talk about growing our audience, monetizing our show, and creating better content. But as podcasters and coaches, we don’t often think about ensuring we are doing it all in a legal way. Talking about the legal aspects of your podcast is a lot like talking about taxes. It’s…
Best of Podcast Talent Coach in 2023

Best of 2023 – PTC 472

THE TOP SIX EPISODES OF 2023 It has been an amazing year at Podcast Talent Coach. On this episode, I want to share with you the best of 2023. These are the top six most downloaded episodes of 2023. DECREASED DOWNLOADS Have you seen a decrease in your downloads in the fourth quarter of 2023?…
Finding your successful mindset

Merri-jo Hillaker and the Successful Mindset – PTC 471

UNLOCK THE POWER OF YOUR MINDSET What we tell ourselves is often more powerful than what actually happens to us. Our mindset is a critical factor when it comes to determining our success. (Get her guide Unlocking the Power of Podcasting to master your mindset at http://merrijohillaker.com/podcasting.) TOUGH HOCKEY WEEKEND This weekend, the high school…
How to Make Money with Podcast Interviews

3 Ways to Monetize Podcast Interviews – PTC 470

PROMOTE YOU VS PROMOTE YOUR GUEST When interviewing others on your podcast, it can become difficult to tell your story and promote your business. On this episode, we discuss 3 ways to monetize your podcast interviews. CHALLENGE WITH INTERVIEWS Using interviews is a great way to create content on your podcast, because when you create…
Finding Stages - Speaking to Sell

Speaking to Sell – PTC 469

SPEAKING TO ATTRACT YOUR IDEAL CLIENTS If you want to get in front of new listeners, speaking is a powerful way to spread your message. MY SPEAKING FIRST It was a thrill the first time I was in front of a big crowd, because I wasn’t on stage by myself and I didn’t speak. It…