Start A Podcast

Coaching Session – Music Teacher Start A Podcast – PTC 403

A podcast can be a powerful marketing tool for your business. To start a podcast, you simply need to follow a plan. Structuring your podcast properly when you start is critical if you hope to use it as a marketing tool. On this episode, I want to take you behind-the-scenes of a coaching session to…
Podcast Funnel

Building Your Podcast Funnel – PTC 402

Your podcast is a powerful marketing tool for your business. It sits at the top of the funnel to bring people into your world and start them on the sales journey. You simply need to build it properly. The whole process of a funnel doesn’t need to be confusing. In this episode, learn to create…
Start Small

Do You Start Small Enough – PTC 401

Are you thinking big enough? Do you start small enough? We need to have big goals. But to reach those goals, we need to start small and focus. We often overestimate what we can accomplish in one year. However, we underestimate what we can accomplish in five years. GUEST ON MY SHOW Would you like…
Strategy to grow your business

7 Experts Share The Strategy – PTC 400

For my 400th episode, I’ve reached out to 7 of my favorite podcasters to share the strategy they use to grow their business. THE BEGINNING This podcast actually started as a blog. After writing for a few months, Dave Jackson from School of Podcasting reached out. Dave is an amazing, generous expert in the podcasting space.…
Grow Your Audience

12 Ways To Grow Your Audience – PTC 399

There are many ways to increase your downloads. On this episode, you will discover 12 ways to grow your audience. Grab a pen and paper to take some notes. You don’t need to use all of these. But you will need to select a few and take action. GROW YOUR AUDIENCE It will be easy…