Your Virtual Events

Building Your Virtual Events With Janelle Anderson – PTC 492

INCREASE YOUR AUTHORITY AND INFLUENCE WITH EVENTS To make your impact on the world, you need attention, authority and influence. A great way to create that rapport is through virtual events. PROMOTE THE EVENTS You can promote your virtual event with your podcast. At the virtual event, you can get closer to your audience, build…
Booking guests and other questions

How to Book Big Guests and Other Answers – PTC 491

INTERVIEW GUESTS AND MORE Podcasters have been hitting me up with great questions looking for answers. Today we talk about booking big name guests and demonstrating your expertise during interviews without talking the spotlight from your guests. We will also answer questions about bringing energy to your podcast, podcasting 2.0, and the pros and cons…
Creating publicity

Jill Lublin on Guerrilla Publicity – PTC 490

USING PUBLICITY TO GROW YOUR AUDIENCE To grow your audience, you need to consistently attract new listeners. Marketing your podcast requires publicity and public relations. YOUR PUBLICITY Publicity is defined as notice or attention given to someone or something by the media. Getting on other podcasts could be considered publicity. By doing so, you’re leveraging…
Creating great content

Is Content Really King? – PTC 489

CONTENT ISN’T KING It is often said that content is King. That isn’t necessarily true. Content by itself won’t gain you an audience. Content isn’t King. Great content is King. Anybody can copy information. Your content needs to be infused with story and personality to really connect with listeners. To help you create more powerful…
Develop Your Personality

Connecting With Your Personality – PTC 488

PEOPLE STAY FOR YOUR PERSONALITY People come for your content. They stay because of your personality. We have heard it so often. People do business with those they know, like and trust. It’s all about building rapport. People like you and fall in love with you because of your personality and story. On this episode,…